CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Driscoll Tipple

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Improver / Intermediate
Barbara Driscoll - March 2022
The Teacher's Snow Day - Gaelic Storm : (Album: Matching Sweaters)
Freefalling - Michael McGoldrick : (Album: Aurora)
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Adapted by: Kat Couree and Peter Dryden (USA) December 2021

Start @ 14 seconds (when flutes start)

Alternate music: Freefalling by Michael McGoldrick; Album: Aurora Length: 4:28
Start: at 3.5 seconds in

Section I - Point(forward), lift (leg extended), triple, point(forward), lift(leg extended), triple
1-2Touch right toe forward (leg extended), raise right leg keeping toe forward
3&4triple in place (r, l, r)
5-6Touch left toe forward (leg extended), raise left leg keeping toe forward
7&8triple in place (l, r, l)

Section II - Cross right over left, bend knees (dip down, bring right heel up), bend both knees, up quickly, step on right.
1-2Cross right over left bending both knees (leave right heel up), straighten legs
&3bend knees (right heel up), straighten
&4&step in place right, left, right (end with left foot heel up)
5-6point left toe forward (leg extended), flick
7&8¼ right turning triple (l,r,l)

Section III - Rock, recover, ½ shuffle (R), pivot ½, ¼ turn shuffle
1-2Rock right forward, recover on left
3&4Step right back (turning right ½ ), step left next to right, step right in place*
5-6Step left forward, pivot ½ right (transfer weight to right foot)
7&8step left forward turning a ¼ left, step right together, step left to side

Section IV - Side, behind, side, ball lift, repeat w/ ¼ left
1-3step right to side, step left behind, step right to side
4,&step on ball of left foot (lifting whole body straight up), land on right ball, (touch left next to right
5-7step left to side, step right behind left, step left to left turning ¼ left
8,&step on ball of right foot (lifting whole body straight up), land on left ball, touch right foot next to left

Repeat. Enjoy!

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