CopperKnob Stepsheets

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When God Made You

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Asan Lim (INA) - March 2022
Intro : 16 counts , start on singing
Sequence : A B Tag1 , A B Tag2 , A(32) Tag3 B(32) B , Ending

PART A: 48c
A1 : Step R, Cross, Recover, Step L, Cross, Recover, ¼ Turn R, Pivot ¼ R, ½ turn R, Step together
1Step RF to R side
2&3Rock LF over R (2), Recover RF (&), Step LF to L (3)
4&5Rock RF over L (4), Recover (&), ¼ R step RF forward (5) [03.00]
6LF step forward [03.00]
7¼ R step RF to R [06.00]
8&½ R step LF to L (8), step RF together beside LF [12.00]

A2 : Step Forward, Mambo RF, LF forward , Full turn L, 2x back with sweep
1Step LF forward
2&3Rock forward on RF (2), recover LF (&), Rock back on RF (3)
4&5Step LF forward (4), ½ L step RF backward (&), ½ L step LF forward (5)
6Step RF back sweep LF to back
7Step LF back sweep RF to back
8Step RF

A3 : Step L, Behind, Drag, 1/8 L Touch, Kick, Coaster Step, Touch
1Step LF to L side
2&3Step RF behind LF (2), Recover (&), Drag RF to R (3)
41/8 L touch LF beside RF [10.30]
5Kick LF diagonal [10.30]
6&7Step LF back (6), Step RF beside LF (&), Step LF forward (7) [10.30]
8Touch RF together beside LF [10.30]

A4 : ¼ Diamond, 1/8 L Step together, Forward, Arabesque, 2x Walk forward
1RF stepside ) [10.30]
2&3LF step back (2), RF step back (&), LF 1/8 turn L step side (3) [09.00]
41/8 L RF step LF together with LF [07.30]
5Step LF forward bend both knees [07.30]
6Straighten up LF while lifting RF back from the floor ( Both knees should be straight ) [07.30]
7Step RF forward [07.30]
8Step LF forward [07.30]

A5 : Step Back, Step together, Weave to the Left, Scissors
&1RF stepback (&), 1/8 L step LF together beside RF (1) [06.00]
2&3Cross RF over L (2), step LF to L side (&), Cross RF behind LF (3)
&4&5Step LF to L side (&), Cross RF over L (4), Step LF to L (&), Cross RF behind LF (5)
6Step LF to L side
7Step together RF beside LF
8Cross LF over RF

A6 : Scissors, Step L, R Syncopated Jazz Box, Step R, Cross back LF, Step RF
1&2Step RF to R (1), Step together LF beside RF (&), Cross RF over LF (2)
3Step LF to L
4&5&Cross RF over LF (4), Step LF back (&), Step RF to side (5), Cross LF over RF (&)
6Step RF to R
7Cross LF behind RF
8Step RF to R ( weight on RF ) [06.00]

PART B: 40c
B1 : Unwind, Full turn, Half turn, Behind, Step LF with hand styling, step RF with hand styling
1Cross LF over RF
2&3Unwind full turn (2), Step RF to R (&), Half turn (3) [12.00]
4Cross RF behind LF
5 6While step LF to L side , bend L knee and bring left hand down to L knee
7 8Step to RF, R hand touch L shoulder swipe to the right and bring it down

B2 : Unwind, Full turn, Step right, Syncopated Jazz Box , Step together, Bow down and up with
hand styling
1&2Cross LF over RF (1), Full turn (&), Step RF to R (2)
3&4Cross LF over RF (3), Step LF back (&), Step LF to L (4)
5 6Step together RF beside LF, bow down while crossing both hands(5)
Straighten body and bring both hands up (6)
7 8Bring both hands down slowlly

B3 : Hitch, ¼ Turn R, Pivot ½ R, ¼ turn R, Step together, Bend knees, Lift leg, hand styling
1Hitch LF
2&3¼ R step Lf forward (2), ½ R step Rf forward(&), ¼ R step Lf to L (3) [12.00]
4&5Touch head with R hand (4), touch head with L hand (&), While Step together LF beside RF close both hand into fists on chest (5)
6Straighten fists to both side
7Bend knees and gather both palm to left chest
8While Lifting RF bring both hands up to left diagonal [12.00]

B4 : RF Step down, ½ R turn, ½ R turn ,½ R turn ,Step together, hand styling
1Put RF down
2&3½ R step Lf to L [06.00], ½ R step Rf to R, turn [12.00] , ½ R step Lf to L [06.00]
4Step RF together beside LF
5 6Bring both hands up
7 8Bring both hands down

B5 : Step LF side, Hand styling, Cross recover, Touch, Step forward, body roll
&1 2Step LF to L (&), Fists both hands and bend it down to left side of body (1), Release arm next to hip (2)
3&4R hand up diagonal (3), L hand up diagonal (&), Touch LF beside RF, Close both hands into fists on chest (4)
5&6Rock LF over RF (5), Recover (&), Touch LF to L (6)
7Step LF Forward
8Body Roll [06.00]

Tag 1 ( 8c ) : Night Club , Double Pivot half turn
1 2&Step RF to R side (1), Step LF behind RF (2), Cross RF over LF (&)
3 4&Step LF to L side (3), Step RF behind LF (4), Cross LF over RF (&)
5Step RF forward
6½ L turn step LF forward
7Step RF forward
8½ L turn, step LF forward

Tag 2 ( 4c ) : Double Pivot Half turn L
1Step RF forward
2½ L turn step LF forward
3Step RF forward
4½ L turn step Lf forward

Tag 3 ( 2c ) : Step Back, Step touch
1RF step back
21/8 L touch LF beside RF

Ending ( 12c ) [06.00]
Night Club , Pivot half turn L, RF forward, LF forward, step together with hand styling
1 2&Step RF to R side (1), Step LF behind RF (2), Cross RF over LF (&)
3 4&Step LF to L side (3), Step RF behind LF (4), Cross LF over RF (&)
5Step RF forward
6½ L turn step Lf forward [12.00]
7Walk RF forward
8Walk LF forward

1 2While Step together RF beside LF , bow down while crossing both hands and bring it up
3 4Slowly bring down both hands

Asan Lim
Maret 2022


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