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King of the Mountain

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Phrased Intermediate
Roy Verdonk (NL), Grace David (KOR) & Jef Camps (BEL) - March 2022
King of the Mountain - Louis II
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Intro: 16Counts - Sequence: AABC AABC Tag C

SEC 1: Brush, Out-Out, Heel Bounces, Sailor ¼ Turn, Step Fwd, Flick, Step Back, Hook
1&2RF brush forward, RF step out, LF step out Lift both heels, bring both heels down
&3&4Lift both heels, bring both heels down, lift both heels, bring both heels down
5&6¼ turn R & RF cross behind LF, LF step side, RF step forward
7&8&LF step forward, RF flick behind LF, LF step back, RF hook across L

SEC 2: Rock Fwd/Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn, Scuff, ¼ Hitch, Side, Apple Jacks
12LF rock forward, recover on RF
3&4¼ turn L & LF step side, RF close next to LF, ¼ turn L & LF step forward
5&6RF scuff forward, hitch R-knee while making ¼ turn L on LF, RF step side
7&RF weight on heel & twist toes out while twisting L-heel in, bring feet back to center
8&LF weight on heel & twist toes out while twisting R-heel in, bring feet back to center

SEC 3: Side Rock/Recover, Ball, Side Rock/Recover, Cross, ½ Unwind, Modified V Step
12&RF rock side, recover on LF, close on ball of RF
34LF rock side, recover on RF
56LF cross behind RF, make ½ unwind turn L on LF
&7&8Step into R diagonal on R-heel, step into L-diagonal on L-heel, RF step back, LF close

SEC 4: Heel Digs, Behind-Side-Cross, Heel Digs, Behind, ¼ Fwd, Step Fwd
1&RF dig heel diagonally forward, lift RF slightly and clap hands
2&RF dig heel diagonally forward, lift RF slightly and clap hands
3&4RF cross behind LF, LF step side, RF cross over LF
5&LF dig heel diagonally forward, lift LF slightly and clap hands
6&LF dig heel diagonally forward, lift LF slightly and clap hands
7&8LF cross behind RF, ¼ turn R & RF step forward, LF step forward

PART B (You do part A twice, so both times B starts facing 6:00)
SEC 1: Skates, Diagonal Shuffle, Skates, Diagonal Shuffle
12Skate RF diagonally R forward, skate LF diagonally L forward
3&4RF step into R diagonal, LF close next to RF, RF step into R diagonal
56Skate LF diagonally L forward, skate RF diagonally R forward
7&8LF step into L diagonal, RF close next to LF, LF step into L diagonal

SEC 2: Cross, Back, Chasse, Cross, Side, ¼ Coaster Step
12RF cross over LF, LF step back
3&4RF step side, LF close next to RF, RF step side
56LF cross over RF, RF step side
7&8¼ turn L & LF step back, RF close next to LF, LF step forward

SEC 3: Kick-Ball-Step, Kick-Ball-Step, Rock Fwd/Recover, Coaster Step
1&2RF kick forward, RF close on ball next to LF, LF step forward
3&4RF kick forward, RF close on ball next to LF, LF step forward
56RF rock forward, recover on LF
7&8RF step back, LF close next to RF, RF step forward

SEC 4: Step Fwd, ½ Pivot, ¼ Chasse, Sailor Step, Hip Roll
12LF step forward, make ½ turn R putting weight on RF
3&4¼ turn R & LF step side, RF close next to LF, LF step side
5&6RF cross behind LF, LF step side, RF step side
78Make an anti-clockwise hiproll over 2 counts (weight ends on LF)

PART C (Part C always starts facing 12:00)
SEC 1: Walks Fwd, Shuffle Fwd, Rock Fwd/Recover, Coaster Step
12RF step forward, LF step forward
3&4RF step forward, LF close next to RF, RF step forward
56LF rock forward, recover on RF
7&8LF step back, RF close next to LF, LF step forward

SEC 2: Step Fwd, ¼ Pivot, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock/Recover, ¼ Sailor Step
12RF step forward, make ¼ turn L putting weight on LF
3&4RF cross over LF, LF step side, RF cross over LF
56LF rock side, recover on RF
7&8¼ Turn L & LF cross behind RF, RF step side, LF step forward

SEC 3: Walks Fwd, Shuffle Fwd, Rock Fwd/Recover, Coaster Step
12RF step forward, LF step forward
3&4RF step forward, LF close next to RF, RF step forward
56LF rock forward, recover on RF
7&8LF step back, RF close next to LF, LF step forward

SEC 4: Step Fwd, ¼ Pivot, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock/Recover, ¼ Sailor Step
12RF step forward, make ¼ turn L putting weight on LF
3&4RF cross over LF, LF step side, RF cross over LF
56LF rock side, recover on RF
7&8¼ Turn L & LF cross behind RF, RF step side, LF step forward

SEC 5: V-Step, Point Out-In-Out, Behind-Side Cross
12RF step diagonally R-forward, LF step diagonally L-forward
[Push both hands up while stepping out (up-up)]
34RF step back, LF close next to RF
[Push both hands down while stepping back (down-down)]
5&6RF point side, RF touch next to LF, RF point side
7&8RF cross behind LF, LF step side, RF cross over LF

SEC 6: Sways, Chasse, Cross Rock/Recover, Chasse ¼ Turn
12LF step side and sway L, sway R (start bringing both arms up sideways)
3&4LF step side, RF close next to LF, LF step side (finish bringing both arms up)
56RF cross over LF, recover on LF
7&8RF step side, LF close next to RF, ¼ turn R & RF step forward

SEC 7: V-Step, Point Out-In-Out, Behind-Side Cross
12LF step diagonally L-forward, RF step diagonally R-forward
[Push both hands up while stepping out (up-up)]
34LF step back, RF close next to LF
[Push both hands down while stepping back (down-down)]
5&6LF point side, LF touch next to RF, LF point side
7&8LF cross behind RF, RF step side, LF cross over RF

SEC 8: Sways, Chasse, Cross Rock/Recover, Chasse ¼ Turn
12RF step side and sway R, sway L (start bringing both arms up sideways)
3&4RF step side, LF close next to RF, RF step side (finish bringing both arms up)
56LF cross over LF, recover on RF
7&8LF step side, RF close next to LF, ¼ turn L & LF step forward

TAG: Repeat following steps twice before moving into the last time part C
1&RF step diagonally R forward, clap hands & lift R-heel
2&Bring down R-heel, clap hands & lift R-heel
3&Bring down R-heel, clap hands & lift R-heel
4&Bring down R-heel, clap hands & lift R-heel
5&LF step diagonally L forward, clap hands & lift L-heel
6&Bring down L-heel, clap hands & lift L-heel
7&Bring down L-heel, clap hands & lift L-heel
8&Bring down L-heel, clap hands & lift L-heel

This dance is choreographed especially for the anniversary event of The Rio Grande dancers.

Roy Verdonk –
Grace David –
Jef Camps –


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