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The Boy From Ballymore

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Phrased Improver
Ronnie Schwarz (USA) - February 2022
The Boy From Ballymore - Sham Rock
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*This dance is not nearly as difficult as the counts would suggest. All patterns are repeated, either exactly or as mirror images, and the steps are all beginner to high beginner level. Part A is a 64 count one wall pattern, Part B is a 32 count two wall pattern, which is actually only 16 counts done twice.

Sequence: A–B–A-Partial A (32 counts)-B-A-B
Intro: Dance begins after 32 counts Starts with weight on left foot

PART A: 64 counts
A 1: Shuffles forward R & L, 2 walks forward, rock forward, recover
1 & 2Step right foot forward, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot forward
3 & 4Step left foot forward, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot forward
5, 6Walk forward on right foot, walk forward on left foot
7, 8Rock forward on right foot, recover back on to left foot

A 2: Shuffles back R & L, 2 walks back, rock back, recover
1 & 2Step right foot back, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot back
3 & 4Step left foot back, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot back
5, 6Walk back on right foot, walk back on left foot
7, 8Rock back on right foot, recover on to left foot

A 3: Side rock, recover, cross shuffle 2X
1, 2Rock right foot to right side, recover on to left foot
3 & 4Cross right foot over left, step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left
5, 6Rock left foot to left side, recover to right foot
7 & 8Cross left foot over right, step right foot to right side, cross left foot over right

A 4: Touch, touch, sailor step 2X
1, 2Touch right foot forward, touch right foot to right side
3 & 4Step right foot behind left foot, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot forward
5, 6Touch left foot forward, touch left foot to left side
7 & 8Step left foot behind right foot, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot forward (12 o’clock)
** Partial A ends here

A 5: Hip rolls 1/2 turn left, rock recover, coaster step
1, 2Step slightly forward on right foot and roll hips counterclockwise 1/4 turn left
(weight ending on left foot) (9 o’clock)
3, 4Step slightly forward on right foot and roll hips counterclockwise 1/4 turn left
(weight ending on left foot) (6 o’clock)
5, 6Rock right foot forward, recover on to left foot
7 & 8Step right foot back, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot forward

A 6: Hip rolls 1/2 turn right, rock recover, coaster step
1, 2Step slightly forward on left foot and roll hips clockwise 1/4 turn right
(weight ending on right foot) (9 o’clock)
3, 4Step slightly forward on left foot and roll hips clockwise 1/4 turn right
(weight ending on right foot) (12 o’clock)
5, 6Rock left foot forward, recover on to right foot
7 & 8Step left foot back, step right foot beside left foot, step left foot forward

A 7: Rocking chair, shuffle half turn, rock back, recover
1 - 4Rock forward on right foot, recover back on left foot, rock back on right foot, recover on left foot
5 & 6Stepping on right foot turn 1/4 left, step left foot next to right foot, stepping back on right foot turn 1/4 left
7, 8Rock back on left foot, recover on to right foot (6 o’clock)

A 8: Rocking chair, shuffle half turn, rock back, recover
1 – 4Rock forward on left foot, recover back on right foot, rock back on left foot, recover on right foot
5 & 6Stepping on left foot turn 1/4 turn right, step right foot next to left, stepping back on left foot turn ¼ right
7, 8Rock back on right foot, recover on to left foot (12 o’clock)

PART B: (32 counts)
B 1: Weave right, side shuffle, rock behind, recover
1 - 4Step right foot to right side, step left foot behind right foot, step right foot to right side, step left foot across right foot
5 & 6Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot to right side
7, 8Rock left foot behind right foot, recover on to right foot (12 o’clock)

B 2: Weave left, side shuffle, rock behind, recover 1/4 turn
1 - 4Step left foot to left side, step right foot behind left foot, step left to left side, step right foot across left foot
5 & 6Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot to left side
7, 8Step right foot behind left foot, making 1/4 turn left step forward on to left foot (9 o’clock)

B 3: Repeat B 1 (ends at 9 o’clock)

B 4: Repeat B 2 (ends at 6 o’clock)

** Do the 32-Count Partial A (Sections A1 – A4) HERE after completing all of Part A, Wall 2 (6 o’clock). (This is the instrumental section. When the singing restarts you dance Part B.)

Ending: Toward the end of the third time you do Part B, dance through Section B4, counts 5 & 6, then make a ¼ turn right on counts 7, 8 (R, L) to end facing the front.

Notes: The music tells you what to do: You do the 64 count Part A to the verses, the 32 count Part B to the “la, la, la” sections, and the 32-count Partial A with the restart to the instrumental section of the song.

THANKS to Cathy and Claudio Dacumos for the music, the challenge, and for their much-appreciated editing services!!


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