CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Soul speech

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Lotta Trinse (SWE) - August 2021
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Start after 32 counts approx 44 sec

Side cross side, walk walk, step turn ½, lockstep turn 1/2
1&2Step left to left side, cross right over left, step left to left side
3 - 4Walk right forward, walk left forward
5 - 6Step right forward, turn ½ left
7&8Step right diagonally back (7.30), lock left over right keep turning, step right back (12.00)

Cross back back, cross back side, step forward touch
1 - 2Cross left over right, step right diagonally back (4.00)
3 - 4Step left diagonally back (7.00), cross right over left
5 - 6Step left diagonally back (7.00), step right to right side (3.00)
7 - 8Step left forward, touch right next to left

Side cross side, rock back, lockstep turn 1/2 , coasterstep
1&2Step right to right side, cross left over right, step right to right side
3 - 4Rock left back, recover weight to right (prep to a begin a right turn)
5&6Turn ¼ step left diagonally back (11.00), lock right over left keep turning, step left back (6.00)
7&8Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward (prepare for a right turn) 

Full turn, step turn 1/4, syncopated weave right*
1-2Start right turn ½, step left back keep turning left step right forward.
3-4Step left forward, turn ¼ right, transfer weight to right foot (9.00)
5&6Cross left over, step right to right side, step left behind right
&7&8Step right to right side, cross left over, step right to right side, step left behind right

Press step, Press step, cross slide flick, cross shuffle 1/4
1 - 2Press right ball of foot diagonally forward (7.30), place weight on right foot
3 - 4Press left ball of foot diagonally forward (7.30), place weight on to left foot
5 - 6Cross right ball over left foot, transfer weight to right foot and at the same time slide left back into a flick
7 - 8Cross left over right and start turn ¼ left, step left to left side, cross left over right (6.00)

Monterey turn half, monterey turn half touch*
1 - 2Point right to right side, turn half right and place right next to left
3 - 4Point Left to left side, place left next to right
5 - 6Point right to right side, turn half right and place right next to left
7 - 8Point left to left side, touch left next to right

*Restart: on wall 5 after count 24, coasterstep, touch left beside right and restart.
*Ending on wall 7 after 32 counts, syncopated weave turn ¼ to the right step right foot forward (12.00)
*On the last eight counts you can choose between point together, monterey half turn or monterey full turn. 


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