Beginner waltz
Section 1: Weave to L with ½ turn, (Twinkle ½ turn), Cross rock.
1,2,3Step R foot across L in front (1), turn ¼ right, stepping back on L foot (2), turn ¼ right stepping to R with R foot (3)
4,5,6Rock across with L foot (4), recover weight back onto R foot (5), step L foot to L (6)
Section 2: Repeat Section 1
1,2,3Step R foot across L in front (1), turn ¼ right, stepping back on L foot (2), turn ¼ right stepping to R with R foot (3)
4,5,6Rock across with L foot (4), recover weight back onto R foot (5), step L foot to L (6)
**RESTART HERE WALL 7 (or just dance through – the restart isn’t essential)
Section 3: Twinkles L then R
1,2,3Angling body slightly L, step R foot across in front of L, Step L foot to the side, step R foot next to L
4,5,6Angling body slightly R, step L foot across in front of R, Step R foot to the side, step L foot next to R
Section 4: ½ turn R, waltz back LRL
1,2,3Step R foot ¼ turn to R, turn ¼ R and step L foot next to R, Step R foot together next to L
4,5,6Step back on L foot, step R foot next to L, step L foot together next to R
1,2,3Step R foot across L in front (1), turn ¼ right, stepping back on L foot (2), turn ¼ right stepping to R with R foot (3)
4,5,6Rock across with L foot (4), recover weight back onto R foot (5), step L foot to L (6)
Section 2: Repeat Section 1
1,2,3Step R foot across L in front (1), turn ¼ right, stepping back on L foot (2), turn ¼ right stepping to R with R foot (3)
4,5,6Rock across with L foot (4), recover weight back onto R foot (5), step L foot to L (6)
**RESTART HERE WALL 7 (or just dance through – the restart isn’t essential)
Section 3: Twinkles L then R
1,2,3Angling body slightly L, step R foot across in front of L, Step L foot to the side, step R foot next to L
4,5,6Angling body slightly R, step L foot across in front of R, Step R foot to the side, step L foot next to R
Section 4: ½ turn R, waltz back LRL
1,2,3Step R foot ¼ turn to R, turn ¼ R and step L foot next to R, Step R foot together next to L
4,5,6Step back on L foot, step R foot next to L, step L foot together next to R