CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Scrapple and Wine

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Urban Danielsson (SWE) - August 2021
Scrapple & Wine - Arty Hill
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#16 counts intro, NO TAGS and NO RESTARTS

Section 1: Touch toes - together x 4
1 - 2Touch right toes forward, step right next to left
3 - 4Turn ¼ left touch left toes forward, step left next to right (9:00)
5 - 6Turn ¼ right touch right toes forward, step right next to left (12:00)
7 - 8Turn ¼ left touch left toes forward, step left next to right (9:00)
Section 2: Jazz box, chassé right, cross rock-recover
9 - 10Step right across in front of left, step left foot back
11 - 12Step right foot to right side, step left foot across in front of right
13&14Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right foot to right side
15 - 16Cross rock left font in front of right, recover weight onto right

Section 3: ¼ turn shuffle forward, walk x 2, rock-recover, shuffle back
17&18Turn ¼ left and step left foot forward, step right next to left, step left foot forward (6:00)
19 - 20Step right foot forward, step left foot forward
21 - 22Rock right foot forward, recover weight onto left
23&24Step right foot back, step left next to right, step right foot back

Section 4: Toe strut backward x 2, toes back, unwind, pivot ½ turn (easier option: rock back-recover, step, brush)
25 - 26Step left toes back, step down on left foot
27 - 28Step right toes back, step down on right foot
29 - 30Touch left toes back, unwind ½ turn left and step down on left foot
31 - 32Step right foot forward, turn ½ turn left and step down on left foot forward

Easier beginner option for count 29-32:
29 - 30Rock left foot back, recover weight onto right
31 - 32Step left foot forward, brush right foot forward


Ending: On last wall do the first 12 counts then replace the chassé to the right with ¼ turn right shuffle forward - you then will be facing the front wall.


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