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All the Time in the World

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Antoinette Seiler (UK) - November 2021
We Have all the Time in the World - Louis Armstrong
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Intro: 16 counts (approx. 11s) - Start on "all" as Louis sings "We have all the time in the world..."

S1 Side L, Rock Back R, Recover, Hold, Step R Fwd, Step L Fwd, Pivot ½ R, Hold
1,2,3,4Step L to left side, rock back on R, recover weight on L, hold
5,6Step forward R, step forward L
7,8Make a ½ turn right (weight forward on R), hold [6:00]

S2 Step L Fwd, Spiral Turn R, Step R Fwd, Hold, Sweep Cross L, Side R, Behind L, Sweep R to Back
1,2Step forward L, spiral full turn R hooking R in front of L
3,4Step forward R, hold (starting to sweep L around from back to front)
5,6Finish sweep and cross step L over R, step R to right side
7,8Step L behind R, sweep R around from front to back [6:00]

S3 R Behind L, Side L, Cross Rock R, Hold, Recover, Side R, Cross L, Hold
1,2,3,4Step R behind L, step L to left side, cross rock R over L, hold
5,6,7,8Recover weight to L, step R to right side, cross step L over R, hold [6:00]

S4 Step ¼ L, ½ L, Step R Fwd, Pivot ½ L, ¼ L, Step R Behind L, Side R, Cross L over R
1,2Make a ¼ turn left stepping back on R, make a ½ turn left stepping forward on L [9:00]
3,4Step forward R, make a ½ turn left (weight forward on L) [3:00]
5,6Make ¼ turn left stepping R to right side, step L behind R [12:00]
7,8Step R to right side, cross step L over R
*BRIDGE: See note below about BRIDGE here after 32 counts in Wall 3

S5 Side R, Rock Back L, Recover, Hold, Side L, Rock Back R, Recover, Hold
1,2,3,4Step R to right side, rock back on L, recover weight to R, hold
5,6,7,8Step L to left side, rock back on R, recover weight to L, hold [12:00]

S6 Step R Fwd, Sweep, Cross L, ¼ L, ¼ L Rock to L, Hold, ¼ R, ½ R Back on L
1,2Step forward R, sweep L around from back to front
3,4Cross step L over R, make ¼ turn left stepping back on R [9:00]
5Make ¼ turn left rocking L to left side (lean/torque upper body left and look towards 3:00 but keep feet facing 6:00)
6,7Hold, recover weight to R making ¼ turn right [9:00]
8Make ½ turn right stepping back on L [3:00]

S7 Rock ½ R Fwd Lunge, Hold, Recover L, ½ R, Step L, Hook R, Back R, ½ L
1Make ½ turn right rocking forward on R and lean upper body forward [9:00]
2,3Hold, recover weight on L
4,5Make ½ turn right stepping forward on R, step forward L [3:00]
6,7,8Hook R behind L calf (figure 4), step back on R, make ½ turn left stepping forward L [9:00]

S8 Step R, Pivot ¼ L, Cross R over L, Back L, Side R, Cross L over R, Back R, Touch L
1,2Step forward R, make ¼ turn left (weight on L) [6:00]
3,4Cross step R over L, step L slightly back [7:00]
5,6Step R to right side and slightly back, cross step L over R [7:00]
7,8Step R slightly back, touch L next to R [6:00]

*BRIDGE: During Wall 3 dance up to and including count 32, add the following 4 counts facing 12 o'clock, then continue the dance from Section 5.
1,2,3,4Sway R, Hold, Sway L, Hold


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