Intro: 32 counts
vine to the R, hip bumps
1-2step R to right side, step L behind R
3-4step R to right side, touch L next to R
5-6bump your hips out to left side and bring hips back in (weight on R)
7-8bump your hips out to left side and bring hips back in (weight on R)
(optional: make 'hearbeats' with your hands during bumps; you can also do a rolling vine if you like turns)
vine to the L, hip bumps
1-2step L to left side, step R behind L
3-4step L to left side, touch R next to L
5-6bump your hips out to right side and bring hips back in (weight on L)
7-8bump your hips out to right side and bring hips back in (weight on L)
(optional: make 'hearbeats' with your hands during bumps; you can also do a rolling vine if you like turns)
step turn ½ rocking chair step kick
1-2step forward on R turning ½ to L
3-4rock forward on R, recover on to L
5-6rock back on R, recover on to L
7-8step forward on R, kick forward with L
back hitch, back hitch shimmy
1-2step back on L, lift R knee
3-4step back on R, lift L knee
5-8step L to left side, shimmy with shoulders while dragging R to L
Restart on wall 6 after 8 counts
vine to the R, hip bumps
1-2step R to right side, step L behind R
3-4step R to right side, touch L next to R
5-6bump your hips out to left side and bring hips back in (weight on R)
7-8bump your hips out to left side and bring hips back in (weight on R)
(optional: make 'hearbeats' with your hands during bumps; you can also do a rolling vine if you like turns)
vine to the L, hip bumps
1-2step L to left side, step R behind L
3-4step L to left side, touch R next to L
5-6bump your hips out to right side and bring hips back in (weight on L)
7-8bump your hips out to right side and bring hips back in (weight on L)
(optional: make 'hearbeats' with your hands during bumps; you can also do a rolling vine if you like turns)
step turn ½ rocking chair step kick
1-2step forward on R turning ½ to L
3-4rock forward on R, recover on to L
5-6rock back on R, recover on to L
7-8step forward on R, kick forward with L
back hitch, back hitch shimmy
1-2step back on L, lift R knee
3-4step back on R, lift L knee
5-8step L to left side, shimmy with shoulders while dragging R to L
Restart on wall 6 after 8 counts