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Keith Garnett (WLS) - February 2020
Just When I Got My Mind Together (My Body Fell Apart) - The Bellamy Brothers : (CD: Over The Moon. - Amazon)
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#20 Count Intro. Start on Vocals

Rock Forward. Recover. Coaster-Step. Rock Forward. Recover. Shuffle Half Turn.
1 - 2Rock forward Right. Recover back onto Left.
3&4Step Right back. Step Left beside Right. Step Right forward.
5 - 6Rock forward Left. Recover back onto Right.
7&8Shuffle half turn Left stepping - Left. Right. Left (6:00)
Cross. Point. Cross. Point. Cross Behind. Point. Coaster-Step.
1 - 4Cross Right over Left. Point Left to side. Cross Left over Right. Point Right to side.
5 - 6Cross Right behind Left. Point Left to side.
7&8Step Left back. Step Right beside Left. Step Left forward.

Rocking-Chair. Step. Pivot Quarter Turn. Cross-Shuffle.
1 - 4Rock forward Right. Recover back onto Left. Rock Back Right. Rock forward onto Left.
5 - 6Step forward Right. Pivot Quarter turn Left (3:00).
7&8Cross Right over Left. Step Left to side. Step Right over Left.

Scissor-Step. Hold. Grapevine. Touch.
1 - 4Step Left to side. Step Right beside Left. Cross Left over Right. Hold.
5 - 8Step Right to side. Step Left behind Right. Step Right to side. Touch Left beside Right.

Rock Back. Recover. Kick Ball-Cross. Side Rock. Recover. Cross. Hold.
1 - 2Rock back on Left. Recover forward onto Right.
3&4Kick Left forward. Step down on Left. Cross Right over Left.
5 - 8Rock Left to side. Recover onto Right. Cross Left over Right. Hold.

Monterey Quarter Turn. Jazz-Box Quarter Turn.
1 - 2Point Right to side. Quarter turn Right step Right beside Left (6:00).
3 - 4Point Left to side. Step Left beside Right.
5 - 6Cross Right over Left. Step Back on Left.
7 - 8Step Right to side making Quarter turn Right. Step Left beside Right (9:00)

Side Rock. Recover. Cross. Side. Back Rock. Recover. Shuffle Forward.
1 - 4Rock Right to side. Recover onto Left. Cross Right over Left. Step Left to side.
5 - 6Rock back on Right. Recover onto Left.
7&8Shuffle forward stepping - Right. Left. Right.

Step. Pivot. Step. Pivot. Rock Forward. Recover. Coaster-Step.
1 - 2Step forward Left. Pivot half turn Right (3:00).
3 - 4Step forward Left. Pivot quarter turn Right (6:00).
5 - 6Rock forward on Left. Recover back onto Right.
7&8Step back Left. Step Right beside Left. Step Left forward.

Side Rock. Recover. Back Rock. Recover.
1 - 4Rock Right to side. Recover onto Left. Rock Back on Right. Recover onto Left.

Start Again

End: Dance 19 counts of wall 6 (the back rock of the Rocking-Chair). Throw out arms to the side and pose. You will be facing 12:00.


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