CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Get 'Em Together

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NadGab (FR), Nancy Langsberg (BEL) & I.C.E. (ES) - October 2021
Get 'Em Together - Logan Mize & Clare Dunn
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Intro: 16 counts (approx. 12 sec)

S1: Fwd Mambo, Cross, Coaster Step, Strutting Jazz Box With Shuffle ¼ Turn
1&2Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Step R back
&Cross L over R (slightly angle shoulders to right diagonal)
3&4Step R straight back, Step L next to R, Step R fwd
5&6&Cross L toe over R, Drop L heel down (& click), Touch R toe back, Drop R heel down (& click)
7&8Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Make a ¼ turn L stepping L fwd 9:00
S2: Strutting Jazz Box With Shuffle ½ Turn, Heel Switches, Low Hitch, Heel, Together
1&2&Cross R toe over L, Drop R heel down (& click), Touch L toe back, Drop L heel down (& click)
3&4Make a ¼ turn R stepping R to R side, Step L next to R, Make a ¼ turn R stepping R fwd 3:00
5&6&Touch L heel fwd, Step L next to R, Touch R heel fwd, Step R next to L
7&8&Touch L heel fwd, Slightly hitch L knee up, Touch L heel fwd, Step L next to R
RESTART 3: Start dance again here on Wall 6 (starts 3:00), RESTART facing 6:00
S3: Toe-Heel-Stomp, Touch/Back, Touch/Back, Back Mambo With ¼ Turn, Touch/Side, Touch/Side
1&2Touch R toe to L instep, Touch R heel to L instep , Stomp R slightly to R diagonal
&3&4Touch L behind R, Step L back into L diagonal, Touch R next to L, Step R back into R diagonal
NOTE : Counts &3&4 feel like Skates travelling back
5&6Rock L back, Recover on R, Make a ¼ turn R stepping L to L side 6:00
&7&8Touch R next to L, Step R to R side, Touch L next to R, Step L to L side
NOTE : Counts &7&8 feel like Skates on the spot
RESTART 1: Start dance again here on Wall 1 (starts 12:00), RESTART facing 6:00
RESTART 2: Start dance again here on Wall 3 (starts 3:00), RESTART facing 9:00
S4: Vaudevilles With ¼ Turn, V Step, Toe Fans R & L
1&2&Cross R over L, Make a ¼ turn R stepping L back, Touch R heel to R diagonal, Step R next to L 9:00
3&4&Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Touch L heel to L diagonal, Step L next to R
5&6&Step R fwd to R diagonal, Step L fwd to L diagonal, Step R back to centre, Step L next to R
OPTION: 5& : Step R heel to R diagonal, step L heel to L diagonal
7&8&Twist R toe to R side, Twist R toe back to centre, Twist L toe to L side, Twist L toe back to centre (weight ends on L)
*OPTION: Replace Toe Fans with Swivets (R & L)
*7&: Twist R toe to R side & L heel to L side (pressing on R heel & L Toe), Back to centre
*8&: Twist L toe to L side & R heel to R side (pressing on L heel & R Toe), Back to centre

Restart 1: During wall 1, dance up to and including count 24 then RESTART (facing 6:00)
Restart 2: During wall 3 (starts 3:00), dance up to and including count 24 then RESTART (facing 9:00)
Restart 3: During wall 6 (starts 3:00), dance up to and including count 16 then RESTART (facing 6:00)
Wall 8: Dance up to and including count 15& and replace count 16 with Step L fwd. Then, make a Pivot ½ turn right to face 12:00


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