High Beginner
*Tag(4counts): after W5(facing 9:00)
**(Intro: 32counts)
[1-8] fwd, sweep, fwd, sweep, samba R-L
1-2 3-4R, fwd step(1), L sweep(2), L fwd step(3), R sweep(4),
5&6 7&8R cross over L(5), L side(&), R recover(6), L cross over R(7), R side(&), L recover(8)
[9-16] 1/4R heel grind, sailor, cross, side, sailor
1-2 3&4R fwd heel grind 1/4R(1), L side next to R(2), R behind L(3), L side (&), R side(4),
5-6 7&8L cross over R(5), R side(6), L behind R(7), R side(&), L side(8)
[17-24] fwd, 1/4R hitch, cross, hold, vine 1/4R, sweep
1-2 3-4R fwd step(1), 1/4R with L hitch(2), L cross over R(3), hold(4),
5-8R side(5), L behind R(6), 1/4R fwd R(7), L sweep(8)
[25-32] cross, side point, cross shuffle, side rock, coaster
1-2 3&4L cross over R(1), R side point(2), R cross over L(3), L side(&), R cross over L(4),
5-6 7&8L side(5), R recover(6), L back(7), R together next to L(&), L fwd(8)
*Tag (4counts): hip sway R-L
R side hip sway(1), hold(2), L side hip sway(3), hold(4)
**(Intro: 32counts)
[1-8] fwd, sweep, fwd, sweep, samba R-L
1-2 3-4R, fwd step(1), L sweep(2), L fwd step(3), R sweep(4),
5&6 7&8R cross over L(5), L side(&), R recover(6), L cross over R(7), R side(&), L recover(8)
[9-16] 1/4R heel grind, sailor, cross, side, sailor
1-2 3&4R fwd heel grind 1/4R(1), L side next to R(2), R behind L(3), L side (&), R side(4),
5-6 7&8L cross over R(5), R side(6), L behind R(7), R side(&), L side(8)
[17-24] fwd, 1/4R hitch, cross, hold, vine 1/4R, sweep
1-2 3-4R fwd step(1), 1/4R with L hitch(2), L cross over R(3), hold(4),
5-8R side(5), L behind R(6), 1/4R fwd R(7), L sweep(8)
[25-32] cross, side point, cross shuffle, side rock, coaster
1-2 3&4L cross over R(1), R side point(2), R cross over L(3), L side(&), R cross over L(4),
5-6 7&8L side(5), R recover(6), L back(7), R together next to L(&), L fwd(8)
*Tag (4counts): hip sway R-L
R side hip sway(1), hold(2), L side hip sway(3), hold(4)