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Born For This

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Phrased Advanced
Adam Åstmar (SWE) & Malene Jakobsen (DK) - August 2021
Born for This - The Score : (iTunes)
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Intro: 32 counts, approx. 15 seconds, starting on the word "checking".
Sequence: A - B - B - Tag1 - A - B - B - B - A(32) - Tag2 - B - B - B - Ending

A - 1: Side. Touch-Ball-Step. Side. Behind-Side-Cross. Heel Bounce ½ Unwind.
1 - 2(1) Step to the right on R. (2) Touch L next to R.
& 3 - 4(&) Ball step L next to R. (3) Step forward on R. (4) Step to the left on L.
5 & 6(5) Step R behind L. (&) Step to the left on L. (6) Cross R over L.
7 - 8(7) Bounce heels turning ¼ L. (8) Bounce heels turning ¼ L placing weight on L. {6:00}

A - 2: Side. Sailor Step. Behind. Chasse ¼ Turn. Step ½ Turn.
1 - 2(1) Step to the right on R. (2) Step L behind R.
& 3 - 4(&) Step slightly to the right on R. (3) Step to the left on L. (4) Step R behind L.
5 & 6(5 & 6) Chasse ¼ turn L stepping L, R, L. {3:00}
7 - 8(7) Step forward on R. (8) Turn ½ L placing weight on L. {9:00}

A - 3: ½ Sweep. ¼ Sweep. Back with Drag. Walk Forward L, R.
1 - 2(1) Turn ½ L stepping back on R, start sweeping L from front to back. (2) Finish sweeping L. {3:00}
3 - 4(3) Step back on L turning ¼ R, start sweeping R from front to back. (4) Finish sweeping R. {6:00}
5 - 6(5) Step back on R, start dragging L towards R. (6) Finish dragging L.
7 - 8(7, 8) Walk forward L, R.

A - 4: Slow Step ½ Turn. Hold. Synchopated Side Rock. Weave Right.
1 - 2(1) Step forward on L. (2) Start turning ½ R. {12:00}
3 - 4(3) Finish turning ½ R placing weight on R. (4) Hold.
& 5 - 6(&) Ball rock to the left on L. (5) Recover on R. (6) Cross L over R.
7 - 8(7) Step to the right on R. (8) Step L behind R.
- Tag 2 occurs here at wall 8 -

A - 5: Ball-Cross Rock. Ball-Cross. Back. Coaster Step. Stomp. Hold.
& 1 - 2(&) Ball step R next to L. (1) Cross rock L over R. (2) Recover on R.
& 3 - 4(&) Ball step L next to R. (3) Cross R over L. (4) Step back on L.
5 & 6(5 & 6) Coaster step on R, L, R.
7 - 8(7) Stomp forward on L. (8) Hold.

A - 6: Monterey ½ Turn. Synchopated Side Rock. Cross. Chasse ¼ Turn Left. Rock Back.
1 - 2(1) Point to the right with R. (2) Turn ½ R closing R next to L. {6:00}
& 3 - 4(&) Ball rock to the left on L. (3) Recover on R. (4) Cross L over R.
5 & 6(5) Step to the right on R. (&) Close L next to R. (6) Turn ¼ L stepping back on R. {3:00}
7 - 8(7) Rock back on L, prepping upper body to the left. (8) Recover on R.

A - 7: Full Spiral Turn. Step with Sweep. Weave Right.
1 - 2(1) Step forward on L, starting to make a full spiral turn R. (2) Finish making the full spiral turn.
3 - 4(3) Step forward on R, start sweeping L from back to front. (4) Finish sweeping L.
5 - 6(5) Cross L over R. (6) Step to the right on R.
7 - 8(7) Step L behind R. (8) Step to the right on R.

A - 8: Diagonal Rock Forward. Hold. 1/8 Ball-Cross. ¼ Back. ¼ Forward. ½ Back.
1 - 2(1) Turn 1/8 R rocking forward on L, start making a small body roll forward. {4:30}(2) Finish making body roll.
3 - 4(3) Recover on R. (4) Hold.
& 5 - 6(&) Ball step L next to R, turning 1/8 L. (5) Cross R over L. (6) Turn ¼ R stepping back on L. {6:00}
7 - 8(7) Turn ¼ R stepping forward on R. (8) Turn ½ R stepping back on L. {3:00}

A - 9: ¼ Side, Lift L Hand. Lift R Hand. Jazz Box with Cross.
1 - 2(1) Turn ¼ R stepping to the right on R, start lifting L hand in the air with palm facing up. {6:00}(2) Finish lifting L hand.
3 - 4(3) Place weight on L, pull down L hand and start lifting R hand in the air with palm facing up.(4) Finish lifting R hand.
5 - 6(5) Pull down R hand crossing R over L. (6) Step back on L.
7 - 8(7) Step to the right on R. (8) Cross L over R.

A - 10: Hand Movements while doing: Side, Leaning R, L. Walk Back R, L. Rock Back. Recover with Hitch.
1 - 2(1) Step to the right on R. (2) Lean to the right.
3 - 4(3) Step to the left on L and straighten body. (4) Lean to the left,
5 - 6(5, 6) Walk back on R, L.
7 - 8(7) Rock back on R. (8) Recover on L, hitching R forward.
Hand Movements
1 - 2(1) Push L hand forward. (2) Keep L hand straight out and move it anti-clockwise to the left side.
3 - 4(3) Drop L hand, and push R hand forward.(4) Keep R hand straight out and move it clockwise to the right side.
5 - 6(5) Drop R hand and stretch L hand slightly down and out to the left.(6) Stretch R hand slightly down and out to the right.
7 - 8(7) Bring both hands together at the center of your chest, as if you are making a prayer. (8) Bring both hands up in the sky, forming them into fists.

B - 1: Hand Movements while doing: Stomp Side. Hold. Walk Forward L, R. Side. Together. Walk Back L, R.
1 - 2(1) Stomp to the right on R. (2) Hold.
3 - 4(3, 4) Walk forward on L, R.
5 - 6(5) Step to the left on L. (6) Close R next to L.
7 - 8(7, 8) Walk back on L, R.
Hand Movements
1 - 2(1) Throw hands down to sides next to thighs, still formed into fists. (2) Keep hands next to thighs.
3 - 4(3) Keeping hands as fists, cross arms in front of chest a little bit away from your body.(4) Bring arms out to sides and elbows bent 90 degrees with fists up, showing that you are strong!
5 - 6(5) Lower L hand towards center of chest keeping elbow to the side,palm facing down and fingers pointing R.(6) Lower R hand towards center of chest keeping elbow to the side,palm facing down, fingers pointing L and R hand over L.
7 - 8(7) Roll hands forward. (8) Pull both arms back forming hands into fists, keeping them in waist height.

B - 2: Step Back with Low Kick and Hand Movements. Step. Hold. Ball. Rock Forward. ½ Step. Step.
1 - 2(1) Step back on L, lifting R slightly from the ground and throw both hands up in the sky with palms facing up.(2) Keep hands in the sky and R lifted from the ground.
3 - 4(3) Step down on R, throwing both hands down. (4) Hold.
& 5 - 6(&) Ball step L next to R. (5) Rock forward on R. (6) Recover on L.
7 - 8(7) Turn ½ R stepping forward on R. (8) Slightly step forward on L. {12:00}

B - 3: Hand Movements while doing: Side, Point. Side, Point. Side Rock. Behind. Side.
1 - 2(1) Step to the right on R. (2) Point to the left with L.
3 - 4(3) Step to the left on L. (4) Point to the right with R.
5 - 6(5) Rock to the right on R. (6) Recover on L.
7 - 8(7) Step R behind L. (8) Step to the left on L.
Hand Movements
1 - 2(1) Bring R arm up with hand open.(2) Pull R arm down, placing elbow at chest level and hand still up as you close fist.
3 - 4(3) Bring L arm up with hand open.(4) Pull L arm down, placing elbow at chest level and hand still up as you close fist.
5 - 6(5) Bring both hands slightly out to sides opening R hand with palm facing up and fingers pointing out. Keep L hand as a fist. (6) Bring both hands together, placing L fist into palm of R hand. R hand fingers pointing up.
7 - 8(7, 8) Keep hands in the same position.

B - 4: Step Forward with Hitch and Hand Movement. Step with Clap. Hold. Back. ½ Step. Step ½ Turn with Hitch.
1 - 2(1) Step forward on R, hitching L forward and start bringing hands out to the sides, palms facing in with elbows bent. (2) Keep L knee in the air and continue bringing hands out to the sides.
3 - 4(3) Step down on L, clapping both hands forward. (4) Hold.
5 - 6(5) Step back on R. (6) Turn ½ L stepping forward on L. {6:00}
7 - 8(7) Step forward on R. (8) Turn ½ L placing weight on L, {12:00} hitching R and bring both hands up in the sky, forming them into fists.
* You will always do the hitch with hands up in the sky when a B-part goes into another B-part.
If you go from B to Tag or B to A you will not do the hitch with hands. *
- Tag 1 occurs here after wall 3 facing 6'00 -

Tag - 1: Slow Step ½ Turn.
1(1) Step forward on R. {6:00}
2 - 4(2, 3, 4) Slowly turn ½ L and place weight on L at count 4. {12:00}

Tag - 2: ¼ Step. ¼ Sweep. Cross. Hitch.
1 - 2(1) Turn ¼ R stepping forward on R. (2) Sweep L from back to front turning ¼ to the right. {6:00}
3 - 4(3) Cross L over R. (4) Hitch R and bring both hands up in the sky, forming them into fists.

Ending: Step to the right on R, bringing hands down and slowly out to the sides.

Have fun!


Jessica 🐭🇸🇪 August 31, 2021
Love this dance! 😍 Advanced for shure, but once you have gone thrue all the steps and you dance it to music it fits perfect and does not feel that hard anymore. Of course it needs some practice but it seems so much harder if you just watch the stepsheet. 😉 Highly recommend it and it is definitely on my teachlist for one of my advanced classes. Well done Malene & Adam. 👏🏻 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / Jessica

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