CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Two For The Road

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Double Trouble (CAN), Cathy Montgomery (CAN) & Kathy Kaczmarek (CAN) - August 2021
Kiss Goodbye All Night - Drake Milligan
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Start on vocals 16 counts into the music - no tags or restarts

[1-8] Shuffle Side Right, Shuffle Side Left, Rock Recover (East Coast Swing) Right Kick ball Change
1 & 2Shuffle side R - R, L R - Don't travel too far to the right this is basic East Coast Move.
3 & 4Shuffle side L - L, R, L - Same as above.
5 - 6Rock right foot back slightly behind right, recover onto Left.
7 & 8Right Kick Ball Change (Kick right foot forward, quickly step onto right foot, then step onto left foot)

[9-16] Step Forward Right ¼ Turn pivot to Left, Right Cross shuffle, Step left foot back making ¼ turn to right, Step Right foot to right side, making ¼ turn Right, Left Foot Cross Shuffle.
1 - 2Step Right foot forward make a ¼ turn pivot to the left, taking weight onto left foot.
3 & 4Right foot cross shuffle over left. R, L, R.
5 - 6Step back onto left foot while making ¼ to the right, step side with your right foot while making ¼ to right taking weight onto the right.
7 & 8Left foot cross shuffle L, R, L.

[17-24] Right Toe, Heel, Step Hold, Left Toe Heel Step Hold.
1 - 4Touch right toe to Left instep, touch right heel slightly forward, step right foot in front of left (slightly) and hold.
5 - 8Touch left toe to left instep, touch left heel slightly forward, step left in front of right (slightly) and hold.
Note I cheat this a little, when I dance it for the hold I tend to touch my toes across/slightly in front of my foot, and then do a heel drop for the hold, it helps define where your weight needs to be)

[25-32] Rock Right Foot Forward, Recover, Right Coaster step, Rock Left Foot Forward, Recover, Left Coaster Step
1 - 2Rock forward onto right foot, recover weight onto Left.
3 & 4Right Coaster Step (step your right foot back, quickly step your left beside right and step right foot forward).
5 - 6Rock forward on your left foot, recover weight onto Right.
7 & 8Left Coaster Step (step your left foot back, quickly step your right beside left, and step left foot forward).

[33-40] Step Right Foot to Right Side, Swivel Left foot to Right (Heel, Toes, Heel, Swivel both feet back to the left (Heels, Toes, Heels, and then touch right beside left.
1 - 4Step right foot out to right side. Swivel left foot to right (heel, toe, heel) till it is next to your right foot.
5 - 8Swivel both feet back to the left, by twisting heels, toes, heels. On count 8 touch your right foot beside your left.

[41-48] Step Right forward, Hold, ½ Turn left and hold, Step Right forward, Hold ½ Turn left and hold.
1 - 4Step right foot forward, hold, make a ½ turn to your left, taking your weight onto your left foot and hold..
5 - 8Step right foot forward, hold, make a ½ turn to your left, taking your weight onto your left foot and hold.

End of Dance.

Congrats to Drake on his amazing debut EP. We are hoping for an amazing future in country music for him.
Cathy - 6472446696 and Kathy - 4167388798

Last Update - 10 August 2021


DianeEllis August 13, 2022
Great dance to a great track!

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