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Couldn't Keep Up!

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Stephen Paterson (AUS) - July 2021
Couldn't Keep Up - Ashleigh Dallas : (Single)
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RESTARTS: On walls 2, 3, 6 & 7 restart after count 28 ***
(2 & 6 begin to the back, then restart to the front)
(3 & 7 begin to the front, then restart to the back)
On walls 4 & 8 restart after 16 counts **
(both of these begin to the back then restart to the front)
Sequence will be 32, 28, 28, 16, 32, 28, 28, 16 32, 32
[1-8] R Nightclub Basic, Side, Quarter Side, Cross, Slow Scissor, Cross, Side, Behind, Quarter Forward
1 2 &Step right out to side, rock step left behind right, replace weight onto right in place (&) (R Nightclub basic)
3 4 &Step left out to side dragging right in, turn 1/4 right then step right out to side, step left across right (&) 3.00
5 6 &Step right out to side, slide left to step beside right instep, step right across left (&) (slow scissor)
7 8 &Step left out to side, step right behind left, turn 1/4 left then step left forward (&) 12.00
[9-16] Pivot Half, Forward, Three Quarter, Cross Side, Rock Back, Recover, Quarter, Rock Back Recover
1 & 2Step right forward, pivot 1/2 left taking weight onto left in place (&), step right forward 6.00
3 &Turn 1/2 right then step left back, turn 1/4 right then step right out to side (&) 3.00
4 &Step left across right, step right out to side (&)
5 6Rock step left back slightly behind right, recover weight forward onto right in place,
&turn 1/4 right then step left slightly back (&) 6.00
7 8** Rock step right back, recover weight forward onto left in place ** 6.00
[17-24] Rock Forward, Recover, Half, Step, Half Pivot, Together, Rock Forward, Recover, Together, Back Sweep, Back Sweep
1 2 &Rock step right forward, recover weight back onto left in place, turn 1/2 right then step right forward (&) 12.00
3 4 &Step left forward, pivot 1/2 right taking weight onto right in place, step left beside right (&) 6.00
5 6 &Rock step right forward, recover weight back onto left in place, step right beside left (&)
7 8Step left back sweeping right out, step right back sweeping left out - 6.00

[25-32] Behind, Side, Cross Rock, Quarter, Pivot Three Quarter, R Nightclub Basic, L Nightclub Basic
1 &Step left behind right, step right out to side (&),
2 & 3Rock step left across right, recover weight back onto right in place (&), turn 1/4 left then step left forward 3.00
4 &*** Step right forward, pivot 3/4 left taking weight onto left in place (&) *** 6.00
5 6 &Step right out to side, rock step left behind right, replace weight onto right in place (&) (R Nightclub basic)
7 8 &Step left out to side, rock step right behind left, replace weight onto left in place (&) (L Nightclub basic) 6.00

ENDING: Wall 10 finishes to the front, step right out to side, drag left towards right to finish

This is an original dance sheet, feel free to copy without change for distribution

Stephen Paterson email:

Last Update: 4 Jul 2023


brenda b July 31, 2021
I love this new dance by Stephen Paterson to the music by Ashleigh Dallas xx

Noviati August 1, 2021
Love It❤

Ribka August 11, 2021
Love it💖💖💖

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