Intro - 13 seconds - 2 Restarts
[1-8] Hold feet spread, Heel twist, 1/4 turn kick ball cross, side rock recover, weave
1,2Hold, weight on balls of feet moving both heels R
3&41/4 turn L with R kick forward, R ball step neutral, L cross over R
5,6R side rock, recover on L
7&8R cross behind L, L side step, R cross over L
[9-16] Press rock recover, ball step, scuff, 1/4 turn step, scuff, side step, scuff
1,2L press forward, recover back on R
&3,4L ball step besides R, R steps forward, L scuffs forward
5,61/4 turn R with L side step, R scuff forward
7,8R side step, L scuffs forward
[17-24] Side shuffle, cross rock, 1/4 turn recover, shuffle forward, rock recover
1&2L side step, R steps besdies L, L side step
3,4R cross rock behind L 1/4 turn R, recover on L
5&6R steps forward, L steps besides R, R steps forward
7,8L rock forward, recover back on R
[25-32] Back rock recover, 1/4 pivot, hip sways, hand claps
1,2L rock back, recover forward on R
3,4Step forward with L pivoting 1/4 turn R ending weight shift between both feet
5,6,7Hips sway R, hips sway L, hip sway R
&8& 3hand claps above L shoulder
[33-40] Stomp, scuff, side point with heel swivel, hold, cross heel touch with heel swivel, side point with heel swivel, cross heel touch with heel swivel, hook
1,2L stomp forward, R scuff forward
3,4R side point with L heel swivel R, hold
5,6R cross over L with heel touch and L heel swivel L, R side point with L heel swivel R
7,8R cross over L with heel touch and L heel swivel L, R hook over L
[41-48] Side point, hold, back cross, side point, hold, back cross, side point, coaster step, 1/2 turn ball pivot
1,2&R side point, hold, R cross behind L
3,4&L side point, hold, L cross behind R
5R side point
6&7Step R back, step L besides R, step R forward
8L forward ball pivot 1/2 turn R
[49-56] Step, step, side press recover step, side press recover, 1/4 turn side step, hold, together, side step
1,2Step R forward, step L forward
3&4R side rock, recover back on L, step R forward
5&6L side rock, recover back on R, 1/4 turn R with L side step
7,&8Hold, R steps besides L, L side step
[57-64] Cross heel grind 1/4 turn, back rock recover, 2 step full turn, hop
1,2R heel cross over L, weight shift from R heel as you 1/4 turn R ending on L back
3,4R rock back, recover forward on L
5,6R step forward with 1/2 turn L, L step back with 1/2 turn L
7,8&R step forward with 1/2 turn L, L step back with 1/2 turn L, forward hop
First restart: Wall 3 after 24 counts
Second restart: Wall 6 after 40 count replacing 1st count with R stepping down
[33-40] Stomp scuff, side point with heel swivel, hold, cross heel touch with heel swivel, side point with heel swivel, cross heel touch with heel swivel, hook
1,2L stomp forward, R scuff forward
3,4R side point with L heel swivel R, hold
5,6R cross over L with heel touch and L heel swivel L, R side point with L heel swivel R
7,8&R cross over L with heel touch and L heel swivel L, R hook over L
1,2R steps besides L, weight on balls of feet moving both heels R
[1-8] Hold feet spread, Heel twist, 1/4 turn kick ball cross, side rock recover, weave
1,2Hold, weight on balls of feet moving both heels R
3&41/4 turn L with R kick forward, R ball step neutral, L cross over R
5,6R side rock, recover on L
7&8R cross behind L, L side step, R cross over L
[9-16] Press rock recover, ball step, scuff, 1/4 turn step, scuff, side step, scuff
1,2L press forward, recover back on R
&3,4L ball step besides R, R steps forward, L scuffs forward
5,61/4 turn R with L side step, R scuff forward
7,8R side step, L scuffs forward
[17-24] Side shuffle, cross rock, 1/4 turn recover, shuffle forward, rock recover
1&2L side step, R steps besdies L, L side step
3,4R cross rock behind L 1/4 turn R, recover on L
5&6R steps forward, L steps besides R, R steps forward
7,8L rock forward, recover back on R
[25-32] Back rock recover, 1/4 pivot, hip sways, hand claps
1,2L rock back, recover forward on R
3,4Step forward with L pivoting 1/4 turn R ending weight shift between both feet
5,6,7Hips sway R, hips sway L, hip sway R
&8& 3hand claps above L shoulder
[33-40] Stomp, scuff, side point with heel swivel, hold, cross heel touch with heel swivel, side point with heel swivel, cross heel touch with heel swivel, hook
1,2L stomp forward, R scuff forward
3,4R side point with L heel swivel R, hold
5,6R cross over L with heel touch and L heel swivel L, R side point with L heel swivel R
7,8R cross over L with heel touch and L heel swivel L, R hook over L
[41-48] Side point, hold, back cross, side point, hold, back cross, side point, coaster step, 1/2 turn ball pivot
1,2&R side point, hold, R cross behind L
3,4&L side point, hold, L cross behind R
5R side point
6&7Step R back, step L besides R, step R forward
8L forward ball pivot 1/2 turn R
[49-56] Step, step, side press recover step, side press recover, 1/4 turn side step, hold, together, side step
1,2Step R forward, step L forward
3&4R side rock, recover back on L, step R forward
5&6L side rock, recover back on R, 1/4 turn R with L side step
7,&8Hold, R steps besides L, L side step
[57-64] Cross heel grind 1/4 turn, back rock recover, 2 step full turn, hop
1,2R heel cross over L, weight shift from R heel as you 1/4 turn R ending on L back
3,4R rock back, recover forward on L
5,6R step forward with 1/2 turn L, L step back with 1/2 turn L
7,8&R step forward with 1/2 turn L, L step back with 1/2 turn L, forward hop
First restart: Wall 3 after 24 counts
Second restart: Wall 6 after 40 count replacing 1st count with R stepping down
[33-40] Stomp scuff, side point with heel swivel, hold, cross heel touch with heel swivel, side point with heel swivel, cross heel touch with heel swivel, hook
1,2L stomp forward, R scuff forward
3,4R side point with L heel swivel R, hold
5,6R cross over L with heel touch and L heel swivel L, R side point with L heel swivel R
7,8&R cross over L with heel touch and L heel swivel L, R hook over L
1,2R steps besides L, weight on balls of feet moving both heels R