- Start with the vocals
S1 - Grapevine R, Side Touch, Side Touch
1 - 4RF step to R, LF cross behind, RF step to R, touch LF next to RF
5 - 8LF step to L, touch RF next to LF, RF step to R, touch LF next to RF
S2 - Grapevine L, Side Touch, Side Touch
1 - 4LF step to L, RF cross behind, LF step to L, touch RF next to LF
5 - 8RF step to R, touch LF next to RF, LF step to L, touch RF next to LF
S3 - Step Kick, Back touch 2x
1 - 4RF step forward, kick LF forward, LF step back, touch RF back
5 - 8Repeat 1 - 4
S4 - Step 1/8 Turn L 2x, Out Out, In In
1 - 4RF small step forward, 1/8 turn L, repeat 1 - 2
5 - 8RF step diagonally forward, LF step diagonally forward, RF back to the center, LF next to RF
Tag after wall 3 and wall 6:
[1 - 4] Out Out, In In
1-4Right step diagonally forward, LF step diagonally forward, RF back to the center, LF next to RF
Start again and don't forget to smile.
S1 - Grapevine R, Side Touch, Side Touch
1 - 4RF step to R, LF cross behind, RF step to R, touch LF next to RF
5 - 8LF step to L, touch RF next to LF, RF step to R, touch LF next to RF
S2 - Grapevine L, Side Touch, Side Touch
1 - 4LF step to L, RF cross behind, LF step to L, touch RF next to LF
5 - 8RF step to R, touch LF next to RF, LF step to L, touch RF next to LF
S3 - Step Kick, Back touch 2x
1 - 4RF step forward, kick LF forward, LF step back, touch RF back
5 - 8Repeat 1 - 4
S4 - Step 1/8 Turn L 2x, Out Out, In In
1 - 4RF small step forward, 1/8 turn L, repeat 1 - 2
5 - 8RF step diagonally forward, LF step diagonally forward, RF back to the center, LF next to RF
Tag after wall 3 and wall 6:
[1 - 4] Out Out, In In
1-4Right step diagonally forward, LF step diagonally forward, RF back to the center, LF next to RF
Start again and don't forget to smile.