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Livin' On Empty

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Beginner / Improver
Eddie Morrison (SCO) - May 2021
Livin' On Empty - Alan Jackson
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Intro: Start on vocals on the word Empty.

Section 1: Right side together 1/4 turn hitch, left together 1/4 turn scuff., rocking chair, and step lock step.
1&2&Step right to the side, step left beside right, step 1/4 turn right, hitch left.
3&4&Step left to the side, step right beside left, step 1/4 turn left, scuff right.
5&6&Rock forward on right, recover on left, rock back on right recover on left.
7&8Step right foot forward, lock left behind right, step forward on right.
Section 2: Repeat Section 1 but to the left.
1&2&Step left to the side, step right beside left, step 1/4 turn left, hitch right.
3&4&Step right to the side, step left beside right, step 1/4 turn right, scuff left.
5&6&Rock forward on left, recover on right, rock back on left recover on right.
7&8Step left foot forward, lock right behind left, step forward on left. (Restart)
Section 3: Step ½ turn step, rock and cross, side together back, coaster step.
1&2Step forward on right making 1/2 turn left, step down on left, step forward on right.
3&4Rock left to the side, recover on right, cross left over right.
5&6Step right to the side, step left beside right, step back on right.
7&8Step back on left, step right beside left, step forward on left.
Section 4: Right and left toe struts, rocking chair, right and left toe struts, swivet right, swivet left.
1&2&Step R Toe forward, step down on right heel, step left toe forward, step down on left heel.
3&4&Rock forward on right recover on left, rock back on right recover on left.
5&6&Step R Toe forward, step down on right heel, step left toe forward, step down on left heel
7&8&Swivel on the ball of left and the heel of the right to the right side, return to centre, Swivel on the ball of right and the heel of the left to the left side, return to centre.
( Alternative to Swivets, 4 hip bumps right left, right left)

Restart: On Wall 8 After Section 2 facing 6 o'clock.
Choreographers Note: Finish the dance after 3min 30sec when the music slows down, as it goes into an instrumental for another minute after that.


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