CopperKnob Stepsheets

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All I know So Far

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Felicia Harris Jones (USA) & Donna Manning (USA) - May 2021
All I Know So Far - P!nk : (Clean Version)
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**2 - 4 count Tags after walls 1&3, 8 count Tag after wall 2

Sec. 1 (1-8) Triple Back R-L, 2 - ½ turns R, ½ Turn R Triple
1&2, 3&4Step R back, close L to R, Step R back, Step L back, close R to L, step R back
5-6, 7&8½ turn R stepping R fwrd, ½ turn R stepping L back, ¼ turn R stepping R to R side, close L to R, ¼ turn R stepping R fwrd (6:00)
***(for modification of turns 6: step L fwrd, 7&8 R fwrd triple)

Sec. 2 (9-16) L Full Turn Monterey, Side Rock-Recover-Cross, Sway L-R, L Side triple
1,2,3&4Point L to L side, slide L to center taking weight to L about ¾ through turn to finish last ¼ turn with weight on L, Rock R to R side, recover to L, cross R over L (6:00)
***(for Monterey modification(1-2) just point L to L side, bring back to center taking weight, continue with rest of section)
5-6, 7&8Sway L-R, step L to L side, close R to L, step L to L side (6:00)

Sec.3 (7-24) Step Back - Touch (4X) Use the diagonals for the steps
1-2,3-4Step R back to R outside diagonal, touch L to R, step L back to L outside diagonal, touch R to L
5-6-7-8repeat 1-4 (6:00)

Sec.4 (25-32) Backwards Rocking Chair, Back Rock, Recover, R Triple
1-2-3-4Rock back on R, recover to L, rock R fwrd, recover to L
5-6Rock back on R, recover to L,
7&8Step R fwrd, close instep of L to R heel, step R fwrd (6:00)

Sec. 5 (33-40) 2 L Kick-ball Step, Rock, Recover, Step Back, Touch
1&2, 3&4Kick L fwrd, bring L to center taking weight, step R slightly fwrd, REPEAT 1&2
5-6, 7-8Rock L fwrd, recover to R, step L back, touch R toe across L (6:00)

Sec. 6 (41-48) R Kick-ball Step, Dig, Recover, Coaster Cross, and Heel and Cross
1&2, 3-4Kick R fwrd, bring R to center taking weight, step L slightly fwrd, Dig R fwrd, recover to L
5&6&7&8Step R back, close L to R, cross R over L, step L slightly to L side, present R heel, bring R back to center taking weight, cross L over R (6:00)

Sec. 7 (49-56) ¾ Box turning L with Step Touches
1,2,3,4Step R to R side, touch L next to R, ¼ turn L stepping L to L side, touch R next to L
5,6,7,8¼ turn L stepping L to L side, touch R next to L, ¼ turn L stepping L to L side, touch R next to L(drag through touch into count 1 of last 8 counts)(9:00)

Sec. 8 (57-64) Cross, Side, Sailor ½ Cross, 1/4 Turn, ¼ Turn, Stomp, Stamp Up
1,2,3&4Cross R over L, step L to L side, step R behind L making ½ turn R on ball of R step L to L side, cross R over L
5,6¼ turn R stepping L back, ¼ turn R stepping R slightly fwrd
7-8Stomp L down taking weight, stamp up with R (ready to start dance again) (9:00)

Tag #1: 4 counts: Sway R-L-R-L (AFTER Wall 1@9:00 and after Wall 3 @ 3:00)
Tag#2: 8 counts: Double hip bumps R & L, then sway R-L-R-L (After wall 2 Facing 6:00)


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