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Tooty Fruity

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Phrased Intermediate
EWS Winson (MY) & Rebecca Lee (MY) - May 2021
Tooty Fruity (feat. Carlprit) - Craig Smart
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Intro: 32 counts in (approx. 0.15 sec)
Sequence: A, A, B, A, A, B, A, A, A, A, B, A

Part A (32 counts)
#A1 (1-8) R Side Press, R Heel Twist In & Out, R Behind, ¼ (L) with L Forward, R Forward, L Forward Rock & Recover, L Close, R Side Pivot ¼ (L) with Knee Popped
1&2Weight on LF: Press R toes to R side (1), twist R heel outward (&), twist R heel in (2) 12.00
3&4Cross RF behind LF (3), turn ¼ L stepping LF forward (&), step RF forward (4) 9.00
5-6&Rock LF forward (5), recover weight on RF (6), close LF next to RF (&) 9.00
7&8Step RF to R side (7), pop both knees forward turning ¼ L (&), return heels to centre (8) 6.00

#A2 (9-16) L-R Back Popping, L Back Rock & Recover, Full Turn (R), L Side Scissors Cross
1-2Step LF back popping R knee forward (1), step RF back popping L knee forward (2) 6.00
3-4Rock LF back (3), recover weight on RF (4) 6.00
5-6Turn ½ R stepping LF back (5), turn another ½ R stepping RF forward (6) 6.00
7&8Step LF to L side (7), close RF next to LF (&), cross LF over RF (8) 6.00

#A3 (17-24) R Side & L Drag, L-R Syncopated Side Touches, L Step & R Sweep, R Behind, L Side, R Cross
1-2Step RF to R side (1), drag L toes towards RF (2) 6.00
&3&4Step LF to L side (&), touch R toes beside LF (3), step RF to R side (&), touch L toes beside RF (4) 6.00
5Step LF in place sweeping RF from front to back (5) 6.00
6-8Cross RF behind LF (6), step LF to L side (7), cross RF over LF (8) 6.00

#A4 (25-32) L Forward & R Sweep, Hold, R Forward & L Sweep, L Forward & R Sweep, R Jazz Box with L Cross
1-2Step LF forward sweeping RF from back to front (1), hold for 1 count (2) 6.00
3-4Step RF forward sweeping LF from back to front (3), step LF forward sweeping RF from back to front (4) 6.00
5-8Cross RF over LF (5), step LF back (6), step RF to R side (7), cross LF over RF (8) 6.00

Part B (32 counts) - Always starts at 12.00 o'clock.
#B1 (1-8) 'Windsurfing Moves', L Stomp & Clap, 'Windsurfing Moves', R Stomp & Hand Brush
1-4Balancing body by stepping RF to R side and swaying hips to R side (1), sway hips to L side (2), sway hips to R side (3), stomp LF next to RF while clapping both hands (4) 12.00
5-7Balancing body by stepping LF to L side and swaying hips to L side (5), sway hips to R side (6), sway hips to L side (7) 12.00
&8Stomp RF next to LF while brushing both hands (&-8) - like dusting off something 12.00

#B2 (9-16) R-L Forward Diagonal Shuffle, R Pivot ½ (L), R-L-R Forward Triple Run
1&2Step RF forward to R diagonal (1), close LF next to RF (&), step RF forward to R diagonal (2) 12.00
3&4Step LF forward to L diagonal (3), close RF next to LF (&), step LF forward to L diagonal (4) 12.00
5-6Step RF forward (5), turn ½ L over L shoulder (6) 6.00
7&8Run forward on RF-LF-RF (7-&-8) 6.00

#B3 (17-24) 'Windsurfing Moves', R Stomp & Clap, 'Windsurfing Moves', L Stomp & Hand Brush
1-4Balancing body by stepping LF to L side and swaying hips to L side (1), sway hips to R side (2), sway hips to L side (3), stomp RF next to LF while clapping both hands (4) 6.00
5-7Balancing body by stepping RF to R side and swaying hips to R side (5), sway hips to L side (6), sway hips to R side (7) 6.00
&8Stomp LF next to RF while brushing both hands (&-8) - like dusting off something 6.00
#B4 (25-32) L-R Forward Diagonal Shuffle, L Pivot ½ (R), L-R-L Forward Triple Run
1&2Step LF forward to L diagonal (1), close RF next to LF (&), step LF forward to L diagonal (2) 6.00
3&4Step RF forward to R diagonal (3), close LF next to RF (&), step RF forward to R diagonal (4) 6.00
5-6Step LF forward (5), turn ½ R over R shoulder (6) 12.00
7&8Run forward on LF-RF-LF (7-&-8) 12.00



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