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Oughta Know That

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Cindy Jacobson (USA) - April 2021
Oughta Know That - Jon Pardi
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Intro: 20 counts - * Two restarts and one tag
Two special thank-yous to Jenny for suggesting such a great (fun!) song and to Brenda for the great suggestion of ** 'raising our glasses' with the lyrics at the end of the first wall.

(1-8) Heel, hook, heel x2, shuffle,chase ½ turn
1&2&R heel, R hook over L, R heel together
3&4&L heel, L hook over R, L heel together
5&6Shuffle forward R,L,R
7&8Step forward on L, pivot ½ turn right, step forward on L

(9-16) Toe and heel x2, step, twist upper body L,R,L
1&2&Tap R toe next to LF, step down on RF, L heel, step down on LF
3&4&Tap R toe next to LF, step down on RF, L heel, step down on LF
5.Step forward on RF
6Twist upper body ½ turn L on balls of both feet (heels to R)
7.Twist upper body ½ turn R on balls of both feet (heels to L)
8.Twist upper body making a ½ pivot L (will be facing 12 o'clock wall)

(17-24) Cross and heel x2, shuffle, ¼ turn, cross
1&2&Cross RF over LF, step LF to L side, touch RF diagonally forward R, step RF next to LF
3&4&Cross LF over RF, step RF to R side, touch LF diagonally forward L, step LF next to RF
5&6Shuffle forward R,L,R
7&8Step forward on LF, ¼ pivot to R, cross LF over RF
(* Both restarts here)

(25-32) Weave, side rock cross, side, behind, side, stomp x2
1&2&Step RF to R side, LF behind RF, step RF to R side, cross LF over RF
3&4Rock RF to R side, recover weight on LF, cross RF over LF
5&6Step LF to L side, RF behind LF, LF to L side
7,8Stomp RF, Stomp LF

*1st restart is on 3rd wall - dance 23 counts and on 24th count change L step cross to L foot forward and restart dance on 9 o'clock wall.

*2nd restart is on 7th wall - dance 23 counts and do the following tag...stomp LF forward while bringing arms down and out with palms down ( think umpire shouting 'safe' at the plate!) and shout H U H!! (like you mean it!!) and restart dance facing 9 o'clock wall.

** At the end of Wall 1 during the stomp stomp....the lyrics to the song is 'raise your glass'...this
one time only raise one arm up in the air like you're making a toast.

Enjoy !!

Any questions, feel free to contact me - @


Dancing birdie April 9, 2021
This dance is great, steps flow with the music wonderfully! Love it

LexiJ April 9, 2021
This is a great song and fun dance!
Hope people enjoy it as much as I do!!

doldec April 9, 2021
Great dance goes great with the music!!

chili April 10, 2021
Such a fun dance!! Love it!

Brenda Bear April 10, 2021
The steps go extremely well with the music and it's so fun to dance to! Be sure to "raise your glass" with the song, facing the 3 o'clock wall :)

GGDANCE April 10, 2021
Fun Dance. Like your special effects! HUH!:)

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