Info: 16 count 1 Restarts & 3 Tag
Tag 24count
(TagS)1-8 Walk Fw&NW Together Walk NwFw Together
1-2R fw L fw together
3-4a right hand raised and sent
5-6L fw backR fw Together
7-8a right hand raised and sent
(TagS)1-8 Walk RLRL kick Back LRLR Touch
1-4Walk RLR kick L (Both hands clap )
5-6Back LRL Touch R
(TagS) 1-8
Put both sides above your head and make hearts
I'm gonna blow my face back into a flower
move both fingers
(Today is the Youngest Day)
(S )1-8 Fwd Rt Cross Lt Back Together Rw
1-2Fwd Rt
3-4Cross Lft
5-6Back Rt
7-8Together Lft
(S )1-8 Fwd Rt Cross Lt Back Together Rw
1-2Fwd Rt
3-4Cross Lft
5-6Back Rt
7-8Together Lft
(S) Cross Rt Touch SIDE Touch &Together
1-2Cross Rt Touch
3-4SIDE Rt Touch
5-6Cross Rt Touch
7-8Together Rt
(S)Cross Lt Touch SIDE Touch &Together
1-2Cross Lt Touch
3-4SIDE Lt Touch
5-6Cross Lt Touch
7-8Together Lt
****3 Wall After 32count Restarts & Tag****
(S) To Stross RtLt 1/4 (3:00) To Stross RtLt
1-2ToStross Rt
3-4ToStross Lt
5-6ToStross Rt 1/4(3:00)
7-8ToStross Lt Rfw recover
1&2Hipbumping RR
3&4Hipbumping LL
5-6Hipsway RL
7-8Hipsway RL
#6 Wall After & Tag
In the last ending Tag, you can do another hand gesture
Thank you
Tag 24count
(TagS)1-8 Walk Fw&NW Together Walk NwFw Together
1-2R fw L fw together
3-4a right hand raised and sent
5-6L fw backR fw Together
7-8a right hand raised and sent
(TagS)1-8 Walk RLRL kick Back LRLR Touch
1-4Walk RLR kick L (Both hands clap )
5-6Back LRL Touch R
(TagS) 1-8
Put both sides above your head and make hearts
I'm gonna blow my face back into a flower
move both fingers
(Today is the Youngest Day)
(S )1-8 Fwd Rt Cross Lt Back Together Rw
1-2Fwd Rt
3-4Cross Lft
5-6Back Rt
7-8Together Lft
(S )1-8 Fwd Rt Cross Lt Back Together Rw
1-2Fwd Rt
3-4Cross Lft
5-6Back Rt
7-8Together Lft
(S) Cross Rt Touch SIDE Touch &Together
1-2Cross Rt Touch
3-4SIDE Rt Touch
5-6Cross Rt Touch
7-8Together Rt
(S)Cross Lt Touch SIDE Touch &Together
1-2Cross Lt Touch
3-4SIDE Lt Touch
5-6Cross Lt Touch
7-8Together Lt
****3 Wall After 32count Restarts & Tag****
(S) To Stross RtLt 1/4 (3:00) To Stross RtLt
1-2ToStross Rt
3-4ToStross Lt
5-6ToStross Rt 1/4(3:00)
7-8ToStross Lt Rfw recover
1&2Hipbumping RR
3&4Hipbumping LL
5-6Hipsway RL
7-8Hipsway RL
#6 Wall After & Tag
In the last ending Tag, you can do another hand gesture
Thank you