CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Come In (But Don't Make Yourself Comfortable)

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Nina Skyrud (NOR), Rob Fowler (ES) & I.C.E. (ES) - March 2021
Start the dance on the word "in".
Start the dance on the left diagonal (facing 10.30).

[1-8] Rock, Recover, Hitch Steps Back x2, Back Rock, Recover, Shuffle forward
1,2Rock RF forward (1), Recover onto LF (2) [10.30]
3&Step RF back (3), Hitch L knee as you scoot back on RF (&) (Scooting back is optional) [10.30]
4&Step LF back (4), Hitch R knee as you scoot back on LF. (&) (Scooting back is optional) [10.30]
5,6Step RF back (5), Recover onto LF (6) [10.30]
7&8Step RF forward (7), Step LF next to RF (&), Step RF forward (8) [10:30]

[9-16] 1/8 Turn R, Heel, Hold, Ball Cross, Side, Sailor ¼ Turn L, Kick Ball Side
&1Turn 1/8 turn right stepping LF to left side (&), Touch R heel diagonally out to right side (1) [12:00]
2Hold (2)
&3Step R ball next to LF (&), Cross LF over RF (3)
4Step RF to right side (4)
5&6Cross LF behind RF (5), Turn ¼ turn left stepping RF to right side (&), Step LF to the left side (6) [9:00]
7&8Kick RF diagonally across LF (7), Step R ball next to LF (&), Step LF to the left side (8).
[17-24] Cross Rock, Recover, Chasse ¼ Turn R, ½ Turn R, Step Back, Back Coaster Step
1,2Cross RF over LF (1), Recover onto LF (2)
3&4Step RF to the right side (3), Step LF next to RF (&), Turn ¼ turn right stepping RF forward (4) [12:00]
5,6Turn ½ turn right stepping LF back (5), Step RF back (6) [6:00]
7&8Step LF back (7), Step RF next to LF (&), Step LF forward (8).

[25-32] Toe, Heel, Triple in place, 1/8 Turn L Stump, Hold, Ball Step, Scuff
1,2Touch R toe to instep (1), Touch R heel to instep (2)
3&4Step RF down in place (3), Step LF down in place (&), Step RF down in place (4)
5Turn 1/8 turn left and Stump LF forward (5) [4:30]
6Hold (6)
&7Step R ball next to LF (&), Step LF forward (7)
8Scuff RF (8).

Start again!
Last Update - 2 April 2021


Elaine 2020 March 26, 2021
Love this dance and the track is so catchy

Jooles April 26, 2021
Absolutely love this dance, it's five stars from me. Music's great too. 🙂

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