Start dance after 16 count instrumental intro
[1-8] Step R Across, Side, R Sailor, Across, Sway R, Recover, Behind, Quarter Forward
1 2Step right across left, step left out to side,
3 & 4Step right behind left, rock step left out to side (&), recover weight onto right in place (right sailor)
5 6 7Step left across right, step right out to side swaying right, recover weight onto left in place
8 &** Step right behind left, turn 1/4 left then step left forward (&) ** 9.00
[9-16] Step, Pivot Quarter, Cross Shuffle, Point Side and Side and Forward and Forward and
1 2Step right forward, pivot 1/4 left taking weight onto left in place 6.00
3 & 4Step right across left, step left slightly out to side (&), step right across left (right cross shuffle)
5 & 6 &Point left toes out to side, step left beside right (&), point right toes out to side, step right beside left (&)
7 & 8 &Point left toes forward, step left beside right (&), point right toes forward, step right beside left (&) 6.00
[17-24] Rock L Forward, Recover, Half Shuffle, Half, Quarter, Cross Samba
1 2Rock step left forward, recover weight back onto right in place
3 & 4Turn 1/4 left then step left out to side, step right beside left (&), turn 1/4 left then step left forward 12.00
5 6Turn 1/2 left then step back onto right, turn 1/4 left then step left out to side but slightly forward 3.00
7 & 8Step right across left, rock step left out to side (&), recover weight onto right in place (cross samba) 3.00
[25-32] Step L Across, R Side, Eighth Back, Lock, Back,Rock R Back, Recover, Roll Forward Half, Half
1 2Step left across right, step right out to side
3 & 4Turn 1/8 left then step left back, lock right across left (&), step left back (locking shuffle) 1.30
5 6Rock step right back, recover weight forward onto left in place
7 8Turn 1/2 left then step back onto right, turn 1/2 left then step left forward 1.30
(straighten to 3 o'clock to start next sequence)
RESTART: ** On wall 6, (starting at 3.00) dance up to count 8 &, then RESTART to front wall.
ENDING: On last wall, (wall 10, starting at 9.00) dance up to count 25 (left crossed over right)
This is an original dance sheet, feel free to copy without change for distribution
LDSP - Stephen Paterson Mob: 0438 695 494, email:
[1-8] Step R Across, Side, R Sailor, Across, Sway R, Recover, Behind, Quarter Forward
1 2Step right across left, step left out to side,
3 & 4Step right behind left, rock step left out to side (&), recover weight onto right in place (right sailor)
5 6 7Step left across right, step right out to side swaying right, recover weight onto left in place
8 &** Step right behind left, turn 1/4 left then step left forward (&) ** 9.00
[9-16] Step, Pivot Quarter, Cross Shuffle, Point Side and Side and Forward and Forward and
1 2Step right forward, pivot 1/4 left taking weight onto left in place 6.00
3 & 4Step right across left, step left slightly out to side (&), step right across left (right cross shuffle)
5 & 6 &Point left toes out to side, step left beside right (&), point right toes out to side, step right beside left (&)
7 & 8 &Point left toes forward, step left beside right (&), point right toes forward, step right beside left (&) 6.00
[17-24] Rock L Forward, Recover, Half Shuffle, Half, Quarter, Cross Samba
1 2Rock step left forward, recover weight back onto right in place
3 & 4Turn 1/4 left then step left out to side, step right beside left (&), turn 1/4 left then step left forward 12.00
5 6Turn 1/2 left then step back onto right, turn 1/4 left then step left out to side but slightly forward 3.00
7 & 8Step right across left, rock step left out to side (&), recover weight onto right in place (cross samba) 3.00
[25-32] Step L Across, R Side, Eighth Back, Lock, Back,Rock R Back, Recover, Roll Forward Half, Half
1 2Step left across right, step right out to side
3 & 4Turn 1/8 left then step left back, lock right across left (&), step left back (locking shuffle) 1.30
5 6Rock step right back, recover weight forward onto left in place
7 8Turn 1/2 left then step back onto right, turn 1/2 left then step left forward 1.30
(straighten to 3 o'clock to start next sequence)
RESTART: ** On wall 6, (starting at 3.00) dance up to count 8 &, then RESTART to front wall.
ENDING: On last wall, (wall 10, starting at 9.00) dance up to count 25 (left crossed over right)
This is an original dance sheet, feel free to copy without change for distribution
LDSP - Stephen Paterson Mob: 0438 695 494, email: