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Zebra Horse

( 43 Votes)
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Phrased Easy Intermediate
Antoinette Seiler (UK) - March 2021
Zebra Horse - Rubber Duc
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Sequence: AB AB Tag B AB B B16 counts to end
Intro: 48 start on vocals counts (approx. 23 secs)

A - 64
S1 Rock fwd, Lock step back, Rock back, Lock step fwd 12
1-2Rock fwd on R, recover weight L
3&4Step back on R, Step L to R, Step back on R
5-6Rock back on L, recover weight R
7&8Step fwd on L, Step R to L, Step fwd on L
S2 R Fwd, Serpentine Step, ¼ Turn L 12
1-2Step fwd on R, Sweep L foot from back to front
3-4Place weight on L as you cross L over R, Stepping R foot to R side
5-6Step L behind R with weight as you sweep R foot from front to back
7-8Step R behind L with weight as you turn ¼ L, stepping fwd on L 9
S3 Rock fwd, Lock step back, Rock back, Lock step fwd 9
Repeat S1
S4 R Fwd, Serpentine Step ¼ Turn L 9
Repeat S2 6
S5 R Samba, Cross L over R, ¼ Turn L, ¼ Turn L Shuffle L, Cross R over L, Step L to L side - 6
1&2Step R across L, Rock L foot to L side on ball of L foot, Replace weight on R
3-4Cross L foot over R, ¼ Turn L stepping back on R with weight 3
5&6¼ Turn L, Stepping L to L side, Step R foot beside L, Step L foot to L side 12
7-8Step R foot across L, Step L foot to L side
S6 Dip R behind L , ¼ Turn L, Step R fwd, ½ Pivot Turn L, ¼ Turn L, Step R to R side, L behind R, Point R foot to R side , Hold & Clap 12
1-2Step R foot behind L, bending knees to dip down, Turn ¼ L, Step fwd on L 9
3-4Step fwd on R turn ¼ L, Stepping fwd on L 3
5-6Continue turning ¼ L as you step R foot to R side, Step L foot behind R 12
7-8Point R foot to R side( keeping weight on L), Hold as you clap
S7 R Samba, Cross L over R, ¼ Turn L, ¼ Turn L Shuffle L, Cross R over L 12
Step L to L side 9
Repeat S5 6
S8 Dip R behind L , ¼ Turn L, Step R fwd, ½ Pivot Turn L, ¼ Turn L, Step R to R side, L behind R, Point R foot to R side, Hold 6
Repeat S6 (no clap) 396

B - 32
S1 R Samba, L Samba, Rock Fwd R, Recover L, ½ Turn R, Shuffle R 6
1&2Step R across L, Rock L foot to L side on ball of L foot, Replace weight on R
3&4Step L across R, Rock R foot to R side on ball of R foot, Replace weight on L
5-6Rock R foot Fwd, Recover weight to L
7&8Turn ½ R, Stepping R foot fwd, Step L foot to R, Step fwd on R 12

S2 L Samba, R Samba, Rock Fwd L, Recover R, ½ Turn L, Shuffle L 12
1&2Step L across R, Rock R foot to R side on ball of R foot, Replace weight on L
3&4Step R across L, Rock L foot to L side on ball of L foot, Replace weight on R
5-6Rock L foot Fwd, Recover weight to R
7&8Turn ½ L, Stepping L foot fwd, Step R foot to L, Step fwd on L 6
S3 ½ Jazzbox L, Toe Struts R, L, R 6
1-2Step R across L, Step L back with weight
3-4Touch R foot to R side on toes, engage weight by putting heel down
5-6Cross L over R, toes down only, then transfer weight putting heel down
7-8Touch R foot to R side on toes, engage weight by putting heel down
S4 ½ Jazzbox R, Toe Struts L, R, L 6
1-2Step L across R, Step R back with weight
3-4Touch L foot to L side on toes, engage weight by putting heel down
5-6Cross R over L, toes down only, then transfer weight putting heel down
7-8Touch L foot to L side on toes, engage weight by putting heel down

S1 Camel steps R, L, R, L, Hip Bumps R, L with attitude Struts 12
1Step fwd on R as you bring L toe next to R heel, popping L knee up
2Step fwd on L as you bring R toe next to L p, popping R knee
3Step fwd on R as you bring L toe next to R heel, popping L knee up
4Step fwd on L as you bring R toe next to L p, popping R knee
5-6Point R toe to R side, opening R hip to R side, Place heel down & weight
7-8Point L toe to L side, opening L hip to L side, Place heel down & weight
S2 R Kickball Replace, Point L to L side, L Kickball Replace, Point R to R side, Rock R Fwd, Recover, ½ Turn R, Step Fwd R, Step L to R, jump 12
1&2Kick R foot fwd, Replace R next to L as you point L foot to L side
3&4Kick L foot fwd, Replace L next to R as you point R foot to R side
5-6Rock fwd on R, recover weight to L
7-8Turn ½ R, stepping fwd on R ,bring L foot to R as you make a small jump or Pop heels up together - 6
S3 Camel steps R, L, R, L, Hip Bumps R, L with attitude Struts 6
Repeat S1

S4 R Kickball Replace, Point L to L side, L Kickball Replace, Point R to R side, Rock R Fwd, Recover, ½ Turn R, Step Fwd R, Step L to R, 6
Repeat S2 (no jump) 12
S5 Swivel R, L,R, L as you Flick L, Swivel L, R, L R as you Flick R 12
1-2-3-4Swivel heels of both feet R , Swivel both toes R, Swivel both heels R, Swivel R foot to R as you flick L foot up to the L side
5-6-7-8Swivel toes of both feet L, Swivel both heels L, Swivel both toes L, Flick R foot up to the R side
S6 R Rocking Chair, Turning Over R shoulder run around R, L, R, L 12
1-2Rock R foot Fwd, Recover weight to L
3-4Rock R foot Back, Recover weight to R
5-6-7-8Turning R over R shoulder run around full circle back to 12 0 Clock on R foot, L foot,R foot L foot
END 16 counts of B to will end facing 6 O clock Step fwd R, Pivot 1/2 Turn left to face 12
Step R foot to R side & raise R palm ( "Say it bro") Raise L palm (" What must I say?") point R arm fwd as he says " LEKKER" ( This means fantastic in Afrikaans )
This Dance was written for fun, I hope you enjoy!



Plu April 18, 2021
This is a lovely fun dance!

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