CopperKnob Stepsheets

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One More Story

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Allen Sallis (UK) - March 2021
One More Story - Cardy and Coke : (Album: Secrets Passion and Love)
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Intro: 16 beats from start of music

[1-8] Heel, hitch, shuffle, heel hitch shuffle
1,2, 3&4R heel forward, hitch R heel over L foot, shuffle forward RLR
5,6, 7&8L heel forward, hitch L heel over R foot, shuffle forward LRL

[9-16] Rock, recover, shuffle ½ turn right, rock, recover, coaster step
9, 10, 11&12Rock forward on R, recover on L, shuffle half turn right RLR (6 o'clock)
13,14, 15&16Rock forward on L, recover on R, step back on L, close R to L, step forward on L

[17-24] Rolling ¾ turn right
17-20Step right with R, step L behind R, step ¼ turn right with R, step ¼ turn right with L
21-24Step right with R, step L behind R, step ¼ turn right with R, close L to R (3 o'clock)

[25 -32] Right forward Rumba box
25-28Step R foot to right, close L to R, step R foot forward, close L to R
29-32Step L foot to left, close R to L, step L foot back, close R to L

For those who are more comfortable with a 32 count dance then restart here! Otherwise, continue to a full 64 count.

[33-40] Right reverse Rumba Box
33-36Step R foot to right, close L foot to R, step R foot back, close L to R
37-40Step L foot to left, close R to L, step L foot forward, close R to L

[41-48] Chasse right, rock back , recover, chasse left, rock back, recover
41&42,43,44Step R foot to right, close L to R, step R to right, rock back L behind R, recover on R
45&46,47,48Step L foot to left, close R to L, step L to left, rock back R behind L, recover on L

[49-56] Monterey ¼ turn right, Jazz box
49-50Point R to right side, close R to L whilst pivoting ¼ turn right on L foot.
51-52Point L to left side, close L to R foot
53-56Cross R foot over L, step back on L, step R foot to right, close L to R (6 o'clock)

[57-64] Rock out right, recover, cross shuffle. Rock out left, recover, stomp, stomp.
57,58,59&60Step R to right side, recover on L, cross shuffle RLR
61,62,63&64Step L to left side, recover on R, stomp L to R, stomp R

On the final sequence (wall 8) dance the first 24 steps and finish with arms spread.


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