The dance starts at vocal after 24 counts
Restart during 7. wall after 16 counts
S1: Step Point, Step Point, Rocking Chair
1-2Step RF forward (1), Point LF to the left side (2)
3-4Step LF forward (3), Point RF to the right side (4)
5-8Rock RF forward (5), recover on LF (6), Rock RF back (7), recover on LF (8)
S2: Step Pivot ¼ Turn L, Step Pivot ¼ Turn L, Stomp,Stomp, Heelswivel
1-4Step RF forward (1), Pivot ¼ L (2), Step RF forward (3), Pivot ¼ L (4)
5-8Stomp RF (5), Stomp LF beside RF (6), R+L heel out/in (7-8)
S3: Vine R, Flick, Vine L, Flick
1-4Step RF right(1), Step LF behind RF(2), Step RF right(3), Flick LF behind RF(4)
5-8Step LF left (5), Step RF behind LF (6), Step LF left (7), Flick RF behind LF (8)
S4: Stomp, Hold, ¼ Turn L , Stomp, Hold, Heel, Hook, Heel, Flick
1-4Stomp RF forward (1), Hold (2), ¼ turn L Stomp LF (3), Hold (4)
5-6Right Heel tap forward(5), RF Hook over LF (6)
7-8Right Heel tap forward (7), RF Flick back
My first dance, hope you like it
Trondheim, Norway
Restart during 7. wall after 16 counts
S1: Step Point, Step Point, Rocking Chair
1-2Step RF forward (1), Point LF to the left side (2)
3-4Step LF forward (3), Point RF to the right side (4)
5-8Rock RF forward (5), recover on LF (6), Rock RF back (7), recover on LF (8)
S2: Step Pivot ¼ Turn L, Step Pivot ¼ Turn L, Stomp,Stomp, Heelswivel
1-4Step RF forward (1), Pivot ¼ L (2), Step RF forward (3), Pivot ¼ L (4)
5-8Stomp RF (5), Stomp LF beside RF (6), R+L heel out/in (7-8)
S3: Vine R, Flick, Vine L, Flick
1-4Step RF right(1), Step LF behind RF(2), Step RF right(3), Flick LF behind RF(4)
5-8Step LF left (5), Step RF behind LF (6), Step LF left (7), Flick RF behind LF (8)
S4: Stomp, Hold, ¼ Turn L , Stomp, Hold, Heel, Hook, Heel, Flick
1-4Stomp RF forward (1), Hold (2), ¼ turn L Stomp LF (3), Hold (4)
5-6Right Heel tap forward(5), RF Hook over LF (6)
7-8Right Heel tap forward (7), RF Flick back
My first dance, hope you like it
Trondheim, Norway