CopperKnob Stepsheets

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San Antone Waltz

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Charlie Bowring (UK), Rob Fowler (ES) & I.C.E. (ES) - February 2021
Remember the Alamo - George Strait
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Intro: 27 counts (approx. 16 secs)

S1 [1-6] Left Twinkle, Right Twinkle ½ Turn Right
1,2,3Step left over right, step right beside left, step left to side
4,5,6Step right over left, make ¼ turn right stepping back on left, make ¼ turn right stepping right to side 6:00
S2 [7-12] Modified Slow Full Monterey
7,8,9Cross step left over right, point right out to right side, hold
10,11,12Make a full turn to right on ball of left foot stepping right beside left, point left out to left side, hold 6:00
S3 [13-18] Fall Away 3/8 Turn Left
13,14,15Step left over right, make 1/8 turn left stepping back on right, step back on left 4:30
16,17,18Step back on right making 1/8 turn left (3:00), make 1/8 turn left stepping forward on left, step forward on right 1:30
S4 [19-24] Step Left, Low Kick, Walk Back Right, Left, Right
19,20,21Step left forward, slowly extend right forward into a low kick with toes pointed over 2 counts
22,23,24Step back right, left, right 1:30
S5 [25-30] ½ Left, Sweep Right 1/8 Turn, Cross Right, ¼ Right, ¼ Right
25Staying on diagonal make ½ turn left stepping forward on left 7:30
26,27Make 1/8 turn left sweeping right from back to front over 2 counts to face 6:00 6:00
28,29Cross right over left, make ¼ turn right stepping back on left 9:00
30Make ¼ turn right stepping right to side 12:00
S6 [31-36] Left Cross, Spiral Full Turn Right, Sweep Behind, ¼ Left, Step Right
31Cross step left over right
32-33Keeping weight on left make a full turn spiral over 2 counts 12:00
34,35,36Sweep step right behind left taking weight on to right, make ¼ turn left stepping forward left, step forward right 9:00
RESTART: During Wall 4 (facing 6:00) and Wall 8 (facing 12:00), RESTART here.
S7 [37-42] Step Left, ½ Left With Sweep, Weave Left
37,38,39Step forward left, keeping weight on left make ½ turn left sweeping right from back to front over 2 counts 3:00
40,41,42Step right across left, step left to side, step right behind left
S8 [43-48] Side Left, Drag Right, Rolling Vine Right
43,44,45Step left to side, drag right to left over 2 counts
46,47,48Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right, make ½ turn right stepping back on left, make ¼ turn right stepping right to side 3:00
Start Over
ENDING: Music starts to fade on Wall 10 after count 42 facing 6:00. Add the following 6 counts to end the dance facing 12:00.
1,2,3Step left to side, sweep right and cross over left over 2 counts
4,5,6Slow unwind ½ turn left to face front


Elaine 2020 February 10, 2021
Lovely waltz to a beautiful track.

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