CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Manuela Gustavsson (SWE) - January 2021
Right Here (feat. Mark Forster) - Tosi Udayana
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Intro 8 counts - start on vocals
Note: 4 count tag after wall 2 and after wall 4
Ending in wall 6, section 1, count 5 6: step LF back (5), drag RF in front of LF (6) facing front wall

Section 1 (1-8): Rock back, recover, lockstep turn ½ L, side ¼ L, point, triple full turn
1 2Rock RF back, recover onto LF
3 & 4Turn ¼ L step RF to R side, cross LF over RF, turn ¼ L step RF back (6:00)
5 6Turn ¼ L step LF to L side, point RF to R side (3:00)
7 & 8Turn ¼ R step RF fwd, turn ½ R step LF back, turn ¼ R step RF to R side

Section 2 (9-16): Cross shuffle, side rock, recover, sailor ¼ R, 2 heel bumps ½ L
1 & 2Cross LF over RF, RF to R side, cross LF over RF
3 4RF to R side, recover onto LF
5 & 6Make a ¼ turn R and cross RF behind LF, step LF to L side, step RF fwd (6:00)
7 8Two heel bumps bouncing ½ L, weight on RF (12:00)

Section 3 (17-24): Rock back, recover, lockstep fwd, mambo cross, mambo cross
1 2Step LF back, recover onto RF
3 & 4Step LF fwd, step RF behind LF, step RF fwd
5 & 6Rock RF to R side, recover onto LF, cross RF over LF (travelling fwd)
7 & 8Rock LF to L side, recover onto RF, cross LF over RF (travelling fwd)

Section 4 (25-32): Side, together, chasse R, spiral turn ¾, rock back, recover
1 2Step RF to R side, step LF next to to RF
3 & 4Step RF to R side, step LF next to RF, step RF to R side
5 6Cross LF over RF, unwind ¾ R (weight on LF) (9:00)
7 8Rock RF back, recover onto LF

Section 5 (33-40): Prizzy Walks, Dorothy step diagonal R, Dorothy step diagonal L, cross, back
1 2Step RF forward slightly crossing LF, Step LF forward slightly crossing RF
3 4 &Step RF fwd to R diagonal, lock LF behind RF, step RF fwd (10:30)
5 6 &Step LF fwd to L diagonal, lock RF behind LF, step LF fwd (7:30)
7 8Cross RF over LF, step LF back
Section 6 (41-48): Chasse R, ½ turn L chasse L, sailor step ¼ R, step, drag
1 & 2Step RF to R side, step LF next to RF, step RF to R side
3 & 4Make ½ turn L stepping LF to L side (3:00), step RF next to LF, step LF to L side
5 & 6Make a ¼ turn R and cross RF behind LF (6:00) step LF to L side, step RF fwd
7 8Long step to L with LF, drag RF next to LF (weight on LF)

Start again!

Tag: Monterey ½ R
1 2Point RF to R side, make a ½ turn R, step RF next to LF
3 4Point LF to L side, step LF next to RF (weight on LF)


2021 31 JAN 7


Noviati January 24, 2021
Love It Your New Choreo😍😘❀

ManuG January 24, 2021
Thank you so much Noviati ❀😍😘

R3N January 25, 2021
Very Beautiful Choreo..πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ
Love itπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’ž

ManuG January 25, 2021
R3N thank you so muchβ€πŸ€—

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