CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Head Shoulders Knees & Toes

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Beginner / Improver
Åsa Gustafsson (SWE) - January 2021
(Starts with the tag, then same tag 3 times in the dance. And an ending. But easy steps)

*Tag 1-8 & 9-16: First time when lyrics starts before first wall.
At wall 2 after count 16, restart (6). At wall 5 after count 16, restart (6).
Last time at the end of wall 6, restart (12).
1Put both hands on the head,
2 shoulders, & knees, 3: toes.
4 Both hands on the hips (my bones) 5,6: do a hip-roll R & L.
&7 Jump fwd R & L. At the same time lift both hands up (high)
&8 Jump back R & L. At the same time take both hands down

Repeat 1-8

The Tag is every time they sings these lines.

[1-8]: Toe struts, rocking chair
1,2,3,4 R toe fwd, R heel down. L toe fwd, L heel down
5,6,7,8 Step fwd on R, weight back on L. Step back on R, weight fwd on L

[9-16]: Repeat 1-8
*Wall 2 and 5 (face 6)

[17-24]: Paddle ½ turn L (6)
1,2 Step R toe to R side, push and turn on L 1/8 to L.
3,4 Step R toe to R side, push and turn on L 1/8 to L (9)
5,6 Step R toe to R side, push and turn on L 1/8 to L
7,8 Step R toe to R side, push and turn on L 1/8 to L (6)

[25-32]: V-step, rocking chair
1,2 Step R out into R diagonal, step L out into L diagonal
3,4 Step R back, step L back
5,6,7,8 Step fwd on R, weight back on L. Step back on R, weight fwd on L
*end of wall 6 (face 12)

Ending: Dance wall 7 upp to count 28. Instead of rocking chair do step turn step.
Step fwd on R, turn half turn L stepping on L. Step fwd on R (12) to end the dance

Dance have fun and sing.

I don't own the music rights.


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