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Something in Your Eyes

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Judy Rodgers (USA) - December 2020
Something in Your Eyes - Steps : (Album: What the Future Holds -
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#16 counts from hard beat (3 restarts)

S1: Dorothy step, step touch, turn 1/4 R turn 1/2 R, coaster step
1-2&Step R fwd to right diagonal, step lock L behind R, step R fwd
3-4Step L fwd to left diagonal, touch R beside L
5-6Turn 1/4 right step R fwd, turn 1/2 right step L back 9:00
7&8Step R back, step L beside R, step R fwd

S2: Step, mambo step, turn 1/4 L side, kick and point and point clap
1Step L fwd
2&3Rock R fwd, recover L, step R slightly back
4Turn 1/4 left step L to left side 6:00
********* Restart here on Wall 5
5&6Kick R fwd, step R beside L, point L to left side
&7-8Step L beside R, point R to right side, hold (clap or snap fingers)
********* Restart here on Wall 2 and Wall 7

S3: Jazz box cross, side rock, sailor step
1-2Cross R over L, step L back
3-4Step R to right side, cross L over R
5-6Rock R to right side, recover L
7&8Step R behind L, step L to left side, step R to right side

S4: Cross, hold, turn 1/4 L, hold, turn 1/2 shuffle, walk walk
1-2Cross L over R, hold
3-4Turn 1/4 left step R back, hold (or hitch L while turning) 3:00
5&6Turn 1/2 left shuffle fwd L R L 9:00
7-8Walk fwd R, L

Dance ends Wall 13 after 24 counts, facing 9:00....change the sailor to a sailor turn 1/4 R...enjoy!


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