CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Me & You

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Peirina Svensson (SWE) & Emma Johansson (SWE) - December 2020
Intro: 32 counts

Sec1. Walk x 2, turn sweep, coaster step, step, mambo turn1/4 L, hitch R.
1 2 3Walk forward on R foot, walk forward on L foot, turn ½ to L stepping back on to R foot and Sweep L foot from front to back.
4&5step L back, step R together, step L forward.
6 7step R foot forward, rock L foot forward.
&8&recover on R foot turn ¼ to L and step down on L foot, hitch R foot.

Sec2. Basic Nightclub, turn ¼ L sweep, step, lockstep, scissors step, ¼ turn.
1-2 &Take a big step to R side, step L foot behind R foot, cross R foot over L foot.
3 4Make a ¼ to L stepping forward on L and sweep R foot from back to front, step forward on R foot.
5 & 6step L foot forward, step R foot behind L, step L foot forward.
7&8&step R foot to R side, step L foot beside R foot, cross R foot over L , turn ¼ to R step back on L foot.

Sec 3. ¼ basic nightclub R, step ⅛, lockstep, step turn, pivot turn, ⅛ sway sway
1 2&Turn ¼ to R and take a big step to R side, step L foot behind R foot, cross R foot over L foot.
3Turn ⅛ to the left and step forward on L foot (4:30).
4 & 5step R foot forward, step L foot behind R foot, step R foot forward.
6 &7 8&step forward on L foot, turn ½ R step on R foot, turn ½ R step back on L foot, step 1/8 on R foot (6:00) sway to R sway to L.

Sec 4. Diamond step ⅛, diamond step ⅛, cross rock, side rock, sailor step ¼ R, step
1 2&3step R foot to R side, cross L over R foot, turn ⅛ to the L and step back on R foot, step back on R foot.
4 &step back on R foot, step 1/8 on L foot to L side (3:00)
5&6&Cross R foot over L foot, recover on L foot, rock R foot to R side, recover onto L foot
7&8&step R foot behind L foot with a sweep, step together with L make ¼ turn R, stepping forward on R foot, step L foot together.

Tag: an 8 count tag at the end of wall 2 facing 12 O'clock
Sec : Step, rock recover, lockstep back sweep, back sweep, coaster step
1 2 3step forward on R foot, rock L foot forward, recover on R foot
4&5step L foot back, lock R foot over L, step L foot back.
6 7step back on R foot and sweep L foot from front to back, step back on L foot and sweep R foot from front to back.
8&step back on R foot, step L foot beside R.

Hope you like it

Emma & Peirina


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