CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 156551
French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language

Level of Concern

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Aurora de Jong (USA) - November 2020
Level of Concern - twenty one pilots
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Dance begins after a 32 count intro

[1-8]: Cross step, cross point, behind side ¼ right, ¾ right spiral
1-4 cross step R over L bending knees (1), step L to left, straitening knees (2), cross step R over L bending knees (3), point L to left, straightening knees (4)
5-8 cross L behind R (5), step R forward turning ¼ right (3:00) (6) step L forward (7) ¾ spiral turn on your L (8) (12:00)

[9-16]: diagonal step touches back, pony hops back, rock back and recover
1, 2 step R back at slight diagonal(1), touch L to R(2)
3, 4 step L back at slight diagonal(3), touch R to L (4)
&5&6 step R back at slight diagonal (&), touch L to R (5), step L back at slight diagonal (&), touch R to L (6)
7-8 rock R back (7), recover to L (8)

[17-25]: ½ turn left shuffle, rock and recover, ½ turn right shuffle, ¼ turn right step, point L
1&2 step R forward turning ¼ left (1), step L to R continuing left turn (&) step R back completing ½ turn to right (2) (6:00)
3,4 rock L back (3), recover to R (4)
5&6 step L forward, turning ¼ left (5), step R to L continuing right turn (&), step L back completing ½ turn right (12:00)
7, 8 step R to right, turning ¼ right (7) (3:00), point L to left (8)

[26-32]: ½ turn cross point, cross rock and recover, ¼ right step, ½ chase turn
1,2 cross L over R (1), point R to right turning ½ to right (2) (9:00)
3, 4cross rock R over L (3), recover to L(4)
5 step R forward making ¼ turn right (5) (12:00)
6-8 step L forward (6), pivot ½ right transferring weight to R (7) (6:00), step L forward (8)
** restart here during Walls 2, 4, and 7

[33-40]: R step and swivel, R coaster step, L step and swivel, L coaster step
1&2 step R forward (1), swivel both heels to the right (&), swivel both heels back to the left (2)
3&4 step R back (3), step L to R (&), step R forward (4)
5&6 step L forward (5), swivel both heels left (&), swivel both heels back to right (6)
7&8 step L back (7), step R to L (&), step L forward (8)

[41-48]: right lindy, left grapevine with ¼ left and sweep
1&2,3, 4 step R to right (1), step L to R(&), step R to right (2), rock L behind R (3), recover to R
5-8 step L to left (5), step R behind L (6), step L forward turning ¼ left (7)(9:00), sweep R from back to front (8)

Dance ends at the 12:00 wall after 16 counts of Wall 10!




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