CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I Still Feel Alive

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Aurora de Jong (USA) - November 2020
Still Feel - Half-Alive
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Dance begins after a 16 count intro.

[1-8]: R and L shuffles forward, kick ball cross, lean and recover
1-4 (facing slightly at right diagonal) step R forward (1), step L to R (&) step R forward (2), step L forward (at left diagonal) (3), step R to L (&), step L forward (4)
5-8 kick R straight ahead (5), step R ball to L (&), cross L over R (6), step R to right, bending R knee, and leaning right (7), recover to L and straightening (8)

[9-16]: modified vaudeville steps, heel switch, lean and recover, hitch
1&2 cross R over L (1), step L back (&), extend R heel forward to right diagonal(2)
3 step R back
4&5&6 cross L over R (4), step R back (&), extend L heel forward to left diagonal (5), step L to R (&), extend R heel at right diagonal (6)
7-8 step R forward at diagonal, bending knee and leaning forward (7), recover to L and hitch R (8)
** Restart here during Wall 3 (12:00)

[17-25]: ¼ turn R, 3/8 turn R sailor "prep" step, rolling vine left, cross shuffle
1-2 facing 1:30, step R forward (1), step L forward 1/4 turn right (2)
3&4 step R back turning ¼ turn right (3), step L back, continuing right turn (&), step R forward to 9:00, slightly overturning your body to "prep" for left turn (4)
5-7 step L forward, turning ¼ left (6:00) (5), step R forward, turning ¼ left (3:00) (6), step L forward, turning ½ turn left (9:00)
8&1 cross R over L (8) step ball of L to R (&) cross R over L (1)

[26-32]: hip-rolling step touches, hip bumps
2, 3 step L to left rolling hips from right to left (2), touch R toe out to right (3)
4, 5 step R to right rolling hips from left to right (4), touch L toe out to left (5)
6 step L to left rolling hips from right to left (6)
7&8 "sit" into left hip, bending right knee slightly, with R toe on the ground (7), lift left hip up (&), sit into left hip again (8)

[&33-40]: ball cross, diagonal steps back ¼ turn left, side step ball step
&1 step R ball of foot slightly to the right (&), cross L over R (1)
2-4 step R to right (2), step L back, turning 1/8 left (7:30) (3), step R back, turning 1/8 left (6:00)
5-8 step L out to left (5), hold (6), step ball of R to L (&), step L out to left (7), touch R to L(8)

[41-48]: right rolling vine, side shuffle, cross rock and recover
1-4 step R to right, turning ¼ right (9:00)(1), step L forward, turning ¼ right (12:00) (2), step R to right turning ½ right (6:00 (3), touch L to R (4)
5&6 step L to left (5), step R to L (&), step L to left (6)
7-8 rock R across L (7), recover to L (8)
** Restart here during Wall 6 (begin dance facing 6:00 wall)

[49-56]: ball cross with 1/8 turn left, diagonal steps back ¼ turn left, side step ball step
&1 step R ball of foot slightly 1/8 left to 3:00 (&), cross L over R (1) (3:00)
2-4 step R to right (2), step L back, turning 1/8 left (1:30) (3), step R back, turning 1/8 left (12:00)
5-8 step L out to left (5), hold (6), step ball of R to L (&), step L out to left (7), touch R to L(8)

[57-64]: ½ turn toe grind, coaster step, step hitch, full turn right
1-2 step R forward at slight right diagonal (1), turn ½ right on R ball, stepping L back (2)
3&4 step R back (3), step L to R (&), step R forward (4)
5-6 step L forward (5), hitch R knee (6)
7-8 step R forward turning ¼ right (7), step L back turning ¼ right (8), Step R forward, turning ½ right to begin the dance again!

Restart after 16 counts during Wall 3
Restart after 48 counts during Wall 6

End the dance after Wall 9



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