CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Quoiqu'il Arrive

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Justine Siquoir (FR) - November 2020
Introduction: 32 counts

Section 1 : R Rolling Vine, Touch, L Rolling Vine, Touch.
1-4 Turn ¼ R stepping R forward, Turn ½ R stepping L back, Turn ¼ right stepping R to R, Touch L next to R.
Option Style :
1-4 Raise the L arm on the first step, then, the R arm on the second step, and finally the L arm on the last step.
5-8 Turn ¼ L stepping L forward, Turn ½ L stepping R back, Turn ½ L stepping L to L, Touch R next to L.
Option Style :
5-8 Raise the R arm on the first step, then, the L arm on the second step, and finally the R arm on the last step.

Section 2 : Out Out, In In, R step to R, Body roll to R, L step to L, Body roll to L.
1-4 Step R out to R diagonal, Step L out to L diagonal, Step R in, Step L in next to R.
Option Style :
1-4 Push hands up (toward R and L) on the "out " step and push hands down (toward R and L) on the "in" step.
5-8 R step to R, Body roll to R, L step to L, Body roll to L.

Section 3 : Step R forward, ¼ to L (x4).
1-2 Step R forward and turn ¼ to L.
3-4 Step R forward and turn ¼ to L.
5-6 Step R forward and turn ¼ to L.
7-8 Step R forward and turn ¼ to L.
Option Style :
1-8 While turning to L you can put your hands on your hips and turn them L to R.

Section 4 : Cross R, Kick to L, Cross L, Kick to R, Jazz Box ¼.
1-2 Cross R over L, L kick to L.
3-4 Cross L over R, R kick to R.
Option Style :
2 Snap
4 Snap
5-8 Cross R over left, Step left back, Turn ¼ R and step R forward, Step L forward.

TAG : After Wall 8 (12.00)
1-4 While jumping, R arm up with L arm down, L arm up with R arm down. (Repeat 2 times).

Start dancing again with a smile !!

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