#16 Count Intro
Mambo around the world
1 & 2Mambo R. fwd,
3 & 4Mambo L. back,
5 & 6Mambo R side,
7 & 8Mambo L side.
Walk, walk shuffle fwd. rock recover, coaster step.
1, 2.Walk R, L,
3 & 4R. shuffle fwd.
5 & 6L. rock recover,
7 & 8L. coaster step.
Rock and cross x2, Rhumba box back, ¼ turn L
1 & 2R. rock and cross,
3 &4L. rock and cross,
5 & 6R. together, step back,
7 & 8L. tog. ¼ turn L.
Prissy walk x 2, cross shuffle, rock recover behind side cross.
1, 2R. prissy walk, L prissy walk,
3 & 4Cross and cross (R over L)
5, 6rock L. side, recover R,
7 & 8L. behind, side cross L. over R.
Restart on wall #3 after 8 counts, facing 6:00,
Restart on wall 6 after 24 counts, facing 9:00
TAG: Wall 7, facing 9:00 there will be 2 count tag after 16 counts, sway R and L. Restart.
Mambo around the world
1 & 2Mambo R. fwd,
3 & 4Mambo L. back,
5 & 6Mambo R side,
7 & 8Mambo L side.
Walk, walk shuffle fwd. rock recover, coaster step.
1, 2.Walk R, L,
3 & 4R. shuffle fwd.
5 & 6L. rock recover,
7 & 8L. coaster step.
Rock and cross x2, Rhumba box back, ¼ turn L
1 & 2R. rock and cross,
3 &4L. rock and cross,
5 & 6R. together, step back,
7 & 8L. tog. ¼ turn L.
Prissy walk x 2, cross shuffle, rock recover behind side cross.
1, 2R. prissy walk, L prissy walk,
3 & 4Cross and cross (R over L)
5, 6rock L. side, recover R,
7 & 8L. behind, side cross L. over R.
Restart on wall #3 after 8 counts, facing 6:00,
Restart on wall 6 after 24 counts, facing 9:00
TAG: Wall 7, facing 9:00 there will be 2 count tag after 16 counts, sway R and L. Restart.