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1 2 3 Dance With Me

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Lilian Lo (HK) - September 2020
Dance with Me - Diplo, Thomas Rhett & Young Thug
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Sequence (A - 64, B - 16) AB AB A(48) BBB
Intro: 16 counts (0:10 mins.)

Part A
S1 (1 - 8) 3 walks forward, out-out, rock L, close, tap R, hip rock R x 2, close
1,2,3&4RF step fwd (1), LF step fwd (2), RF step fwd (3), LF step to side (&), RF step to side (4)
5&6Rock upper body L (5), rock back (&), LF close next to RF (6)
7&8&RF tap to side, hip rock to R (7), rock hip back (&), hip rock to R (8) RF close next to LF (&)

S2 (9 - 16) Step turn x 2, side tap x 2, hip rock L x 2, close
1,2LF step forward (1), make ½ turn R, RF step in place (2) @6:00
3,4LF step forward (3), make ½ turn R, RF step in place (4) @12:00
5&6&LF tap to side (5), LF close next to RF (&), RF tap to side (6), RF close next to LF (&)
7&8&LF tap to side, hip rock to L (7), rock hip back (&), hip rock to L (8) LF close next to RF (&)

S3 (17 - 24) Cross side rock x 2, ½ L, step forward, tap, replace
1,2&RF cross over LF (1), LF rock to side (2), replace on RF (&)
3,4&LF cross over RF (3), RF rock to side (4), replace on LF (&)
5,6RF step forward (5), make ½ turn L, LF step in place (6)
7&8RF step forward (7), LF tap behind RF (&), replace on LF (8) @6:00

S4 (25 - 32) Chasse ½ R, step, ½ R, step forward, full turn L, step forward
1&2Make ¼ R turn, RF step to side (1), LF close next to RF (&), make ¼ R turn, RF step forward (2) @12:00
3,4LF step forward (3), make ½ turn R, RF step in place (4)
5,6,7,8LF step forward (5), make ½ turn L, RF close next to LF (6), make ½ turn L, LF step forward (7), RF step forward (8) @6:00

S5 (33 - 40) Out-out, in, knee pop, chasse, ½ L, skip x 2
1,2,3,4LF step to diagonal forward, R arm extend to L diagonal pointing index (1),RF step to side, L arm extend to R diagonal pointing index (2),LF close next to RF, place palms on chest, one on top of the other (3), Pop both knees, extend both arms upward (4)
5&6LF step to side (5), RF close next to LF (&), make ¼ L, LF step forward (6) @3.00
7,8Make ¼ turn L, skip to R on both feet (7), skip to R on both feet (8) @12:00 Bring arms down slowly throughout count 5 - 8.

S6 (41 - 48) Forward rock, back step, tap, side rock x 2
1&2,3,4LF rock forward (1), replace on RF (&), LF step back (2), RF step back (3),LF tap next to RF (4)
5&6,7&8LF rock to side (5), replace on RF (&), LF close next to RF (6),RF rock to side (7), replace on LF (&), RF close next to LF (8)
On 3rd rotation, dance up to S6, Count 48. Finish the dance with 3 Part Bs facing 12:00

S7 (49 - 56) Repeat S5 (33 - 40)

S8 (57 - 64) Repeat S6 (41 - 48) @6:00

Part B
S1 (1 - 8) Side cross side cross side tap x 2
1,2,3&4&LF step to side (1), RF cross over LF (2), LF step to side (3), RF cross over LF (&), LF step to side (4), RF tap next to LF (&)
5,6,7&8&RF step to side (5), LF cross over RF (6). RF step to side (7), LF cross over RF (&),RF step to side (8), LF tap next to LF (&)

S2 (9 - 16) Diagonal shuffle x 2, step back sit x 3
1&2&LF step to L diagonal forward (1), RF close next to LF (&), LF step to L diagonal forward (2), RF tap next to LF (&)
3&4&RF step to R diagonal forward (3), LF close next to RF (&),RF step to R diagonal forward (4), LF tap next to RF (&)
5 6LF step to L back diagonal, bend knees (5), RF step to L back diagonal, bend knees (6)
7,8LF step to L back diagonal, knees (7), RF tap next to LF (8)
When B connects to another B, change the last step of the dance, Part B, Count 16 to RF close next to LF.


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