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#16-count intro.
Section 1: Heel Switches, Heel, Hook, Heel, Ball Step, Walk, Walk, Shuffle
1&2&Touch right heel forward, step right in place, touch left heel forward, step left in place
3&4&Touch right heel forward, hook right over left, touch right heel forward, step right in place
5-6Step left forward, step right forward
7&8Step left forward, step right by left, step left forward
Section 2: Rock, Recover, ¼ Triple Turn, Cross, ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn, Cross
1-2Rock right forward, recover to left
3&4¼ turn right stepping right to side, step left by right, step right to side (3:00)
5-6Step left over right, ¼ turn left stepping right back
7-8¼ Turn left stepping left to side, step right over left (9:00)
Section 3: Side, Behind, Ball Step, Heel, Ball Step, Cross, Side, Behind, Ball Step, Heel, Ball Step, Cross,
1-2&Step left to side, step right behind left, step left ball by right
3&4Touch right heel forward on diagonal, step right in place, step left over right *
5-6&Step right to side, step left behind right, step right ball by left
7&8Touch left heel forward on diagonal, step left in place, step right over left
Alternate Section 3 - Lower impact
Vine Left, Heel, Vine Right, Heel
1-2-3-4Step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, touch right heel to diagonal
5-6-7-8Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, touch left heel diagonal
Section 4: Side, Behind, ¼ Turn, Step, ½ Pivot Turn, ¼ Pivot Turn with Knee Pop, Clap (2X)
1-2Step left to side, step right behind left
3-4¼ Turn left stepping left forward, step right forward (6:00)
5-6½ Pivot turn left taking weight onto left, step right forward
7&8¼ Pivot turn left taking weight onto left popping right knee, clap, clap (9:00)
Repeat and Enjoy!
Ending: Final wall starts facing 9:00. Dance through count 20*. Change counts 21-24 to:
21-24Step right to side (21), ½ sailor turn (22 & 23), step right forward facing -12:00. Tada!
#16-count intro.
Section 1: Heel Switches, Heel, Hook, Heel, Ball Step, Walk, Walk, Shuffle
1&2&Touch right heel forward, step right in place, touch left heel forward, step left in place
3&4&Touch right heel forward, hook right over left, touch right heel forward, step right in place
5-6Step left forward, step right forward
7&8Step left forward, step right by left, step left forward
Section 2: Rock, Recover, ¼ Triple Turn, Cross, ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn, Cross
1-2Rock right forward, recover to left
3&4¼ turn right stepping right to side, step left by right, step right to side (3:00)
5-6Step left over right, ¼ turn left stepping right back
7-8¼ Turn left stepping left to side, step right over left (9:00)
Section 3: Side, Behind, Ball Step, Heel, Ball Step, Cross, Side, Behind, Ball Step, Heel, Ball Step, Cross,
1-2&Step left to side, step right behind left, step left ball by right
3&4Touch right heel forward on diagonal, step right in place, step left over right *
5-6&Step right to side, step left behind right, step right ball by left
7&8Touch left heel forward on diagonal, step left in place, step right over left
Alternate Section 3 - Lower impact
Vine Left, Heel, Vine Right, Heel
1-2-3-4Step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, touch right heel to diagonal
5-6-7-8Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, touch left heel diagonal
Section 4: Side, Behind, ¼ Turn, Step, ½ Pivot Turn, ¼ Pivot Turn with Knee Pop, Clap (2X)
1-2Step left to side, step right behind left
3-4¼ Turn left stepping left forward, step right forward (6:00)
5-6½ Pivot turn left taking weight onto left, step right forward
7&8¼ Pivot turn left taking weight onto left popping right knee, clap, clap (9:00)
Repeat and Enjoy!
Ending: Final wall starts facing 9:00. Dance through count 20*. Change counts 21-24 to:
21-24Step right to side (21), ½ sailor turn (22 & 23), step right forward facing -12:00. Tada!