CopperKnob Stepsheets

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All Night

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Judi Bisher-Schuler (USA) - August 2020
All Night - Brothers Osborne : (iTunes)
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Intro: 16 counts…
Restart On wall 3 and 8 after 24 counts (do a regular 4 count Jazz box changing count to 5,6,7,8 omitting coaster)

S1: (Lindy Right and Left). Triple Right, Rock/Recover; Triple Left, Rock/Recover.
1&2Step R to right, left next to right, right to right
3,4Rock L behind R, recover on R
5&6Step L to left, right next to L, left to left.
7,8Rock R behind L, recover on L.

S2: Rock Forward/Recover, Shuffle Half Turn; Rock/ Recover, Coaster Step.
1,2Rock forward on Right foot, Recover weight on Left.
3&4Turn a Half turn to right while shuffling stepping right, left, right.
5,6Rock forward on Left foot, Recover weight on right foot.
7&8Coaster step left stepping back with left, then right, and forward on left.

S3: Cross and Heel and Cross and Heel (Vaudevilles), and Cross, step (1/4) right, Coaster Step.
1&2&Cross right over left, take weight on left and extend right heel out at angle to right, step right.
3&4&Cross left over right, take weight on right and extend left heel out on angle, step left.
5,6Cross right over left, step back on left while making a ¼ turn to right
7&8Right Coaster step stepping back on right, then left next to right and forward on right.
Both Restarts happen here on walls 3 & 8 *(with the count change to 5,6,7,8 instead of 5,6,7&8. (Do a regular jazz box with the ¼ turn right for 5,6,7,8 weight is on left and restart dancing with right lindy step).

S4: Walk forward, kick and shimmy back. (Optional Clap on 8!)
1,2,3,4Step forward left, right, left, kick right foot forward.
5,6,7,8Step back big step on to right foot and shimmy back dragging left foot back to meet right, taking weight on left.



KME of Ohio September 16, 2020
Love the Song, hope somebody uploads the Demo. Am beginner dancer and do better watching demo since I don't know all the steps in the instructions. I learn by the counts.

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