Sec 1 : Weave right, touch weave left touch
1-2Step R to right side, step L behind R
3-4Step R to right side, touch L next to R
5-6Step L to left side, step R behind L
7-8Step L to left side, touch R next to L
Sec 2 : Forward diagonal touch, twice back diagonal twice
1-2Step forward diagonal right on R, touch L next to R
3-4Step forward diagonal left on L, touch R next to L
5-6Step back diagonal right on R, touch L next to R
7-8Step back diagonal left on L, touch R next to L
Sec 3 : Side, together, side, touch R / L
1-2Step R to right side, step L together to R
3-4Step R to right side, touch L next to R
5-6Step L to left side, step R together to L
7-8Step L to left side, touch R next to L
Sec 4 : Rocking chair, forward lock shuffle hold
1-2Step forward rock on R, recover on L
3-4Step back rock on R, recover on L
5-6Step forward on R, step L behind R
7-8Step forward on R, hold
Sec 5 : Step forward, pivot ¼ R, cross, hold, weave right, hold
1-2Step forward on L, pivot ¼ right
3-4Cross L over R, hold
5-6Step R to right side, step L behind R
7-8Step R to right side, hold
Sec 6 : Cross rock, side, hold, coaster step, hold
1-2Cross rock L over R, recover on R
3-4Step L to left side, hold
5-6Step back on R, step L together to R
7-8Step forward on R, hold
Sec 7 : Forward lock shuffle, hold, rocking chair
1-2Step forward on L, step R behind L
3-4Step forward on L, hold
5-6Step forward rock on R, recover on L
7-8Back rock on R, recover on L
Tag end W2 (03:00), 4C, rocking chair R
Have fun.
1-2Step R to right side, step L behind R
3-4Step R to right side, touch L next to R
5-6Step L to left side, step R behind L
7-8Step L to left side, touch R next to L
Sec 2 : Forward diagonal touch, twice back diagonal twice
1-2Step forward diagonal right on R, touch L next to R
3-4Step forward diagonal left on L, touch R next to L
5-6Step back diagonal right on R, touch L next to R
7-8Step back diagonal left on L, touch R next to L
Sec 3 : Side, together, side, touch R / L
1-2Step R to right side, step L together to R
3-4Step R to right side, touch L next to R
5-6Step L to left side, step R together to L
7-8Step L to left side, touch R next to L
Sec 4 : Rocking chair, forward lock shuffle hold
1-2Step forward rock on R, recover on L
3-4Step back rock on R, recover on L
5-6Step forward on R, step L behind R
7-8Step forward on R, hold
Sec 5 : Step forward, pivot ¼ R, cross, hold, weave right, hold
1-2Step forward on L, pivot ¼ right
3-4Cross L over R, hold
5-6Step R to right side, step L behind R
7-8Step R to right side, hold
Sec 6 : Cross rock, side, hold, coaster step, hold
1-2Cross rock L over R, recover on R
3-4Step L to left side, hold
5-6Step back on R, step L together to R
7-8Step forward on R, hold
Sec 7 : Forward lock shuffle, hold, rocking chair
1-2Step forward on L, step R behind L
3-4Step forward on L, hold
5-6Step forward rock on R, recover on L
7-8Back rock on R, recover on L
Tag end W2 (03:00), 4C, rocking chair R
Have fun.