CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hot Stuff

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Luke Watson (AUS) - May 2020
Hot Stuff - Samantha Jade : (Album: Best of My Love - 3:03)
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Dance starts approximately 17 Seconds into the track after 32 Beats. CCW Direction

[1-8] Heel, Toe Fwd, Back x2, Step Kick, Back Touch
1,2,3,4Place R Heel Fwd, Tap R Toe Back, Place R Heel Fwd, Tap R Toe Back
5,6,7,8Step Fwd onto R, Kick L Fwd, Step Back on L, Touch R Toe Back

[9-16] Vine R Hitching L, ½ Turn R, Vine L, Touch
1,2,3,4Step R to R Side, Step L Behind R, Step Ro to R Side, Hitching L Knee make ½ Turn R (6.00)
5,6,7,8Step L to L Side, Step R behind L, Step L to L Side, Touch R beside L

[17-32] Repeat above 16 Counts to bring you back to 12.00

[33-40] Step, Hip Sways, Touch
1,2,3,4Step Fwd on R to 1.30, Sway hips Fwd, Sway Hips Back, Sway Hips Fwd, Touch L Beside R
5,6,7,8Step Fwd on L to 10.30, Sway hips Fwd, Sway Hips Back, Sway Hips Fwd, Touch R Beside L

[41-48] Repeat above 8 Counts

[49-56] Rocking Chair, Step ¼ Turns x2
1,2,3,4Step/Rock Fwd onto R, Recover Back onto L, Step/Rock Back onto R, Recover Fwd onto L,
5,6,7,8Step Fwd onto R make ¼ Turn L on both Feet (9.00) Step Fwd onto R make ¼ Turn L on both feet (6.00)

[57-64] Step Points x4
1,2,3,4Step Fwd on R, Point L to L, Step Fwd on L Point R to R
5,6,7,8Repeat above 4 counts

Ending You should finish the dance at the end of wall 5.
When you finish the step points step fwd onto the R and pivot ½ turn left for the final 2 counts of the song.



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