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Cheatin' Songs

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High Beginner
Judy Baldak - June 2020
Cheatin’ Songs - Midland
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Intro 16 counts after hard beat - 2 Restarts after 16 cts; 2 Restarts with step change after 8 cts

Section 1: Side together, chasse right, behind, ¼ L turn, shuffle forward
1-4Step RF to side (1), step LF together (2), Chasse to side R-L-R (3&4)
5-8Rock back on LF (5), turn ¼ L stepping RF forward (6), shuffle forward L-R-L (7&8) (9:00)

Section 2: Cross, point, cross, point, jazz box ¼ R with cross
1-4Step RF forward and across LF (1), point LF to L side (2), Step LF forward and across LF (3), point RF to R side (4) (9:00)
5-8Step RF across LF (5), LF back making ¼ R turn (6), RF to R side (7), LF across in front of RF (8) (12:00)

Section 3: Side, touch, kick ball cross, kick ball cross, turn ¼ with shuffle forward
1-4Step RF to side (1), touch L toe beside RF with 1/8 L turn (2), Kick LF diagonal to L (3), step on ball of LF (&), step RF across in front of LF (4) (10:30)
5-8Kick LF diagonal to L (5), step on ball of LF (&), step RF across in front of LF (6) (10:30), make 1/8 L turn and shuffle forward L-R-L (7&8) (9:00)

Section 4: Forward ¼, crossing shuffle, side rock recover, behind side cross
1-4Step RF forward (1), make ¼ L turn and step LF to L side (2), Cross RF over LF (3), step LF to L side (&), cross RF over LF (8) (6:00)
5-8Rock LF to L side (5), recover to RF (6), cross LF behind RF (7), step RF to R side (&), cross LF in front of RF (8) (6:00)

Restart after 16 cts on wall 2 facing 6:00, and wall 7 facing 12:00
On wall 5 facing 6:00 and wall 10 facing 12:00 complete Section 1 with following step change, then restart dance:
1-4Step RF to side (1), step LF together (2), Chasse to side R-L-R (3&4)
5-8Rock LF behind RF(5), recover to RF(6), step LF to L side(7), Touch R toe beside LF(8)

On the last wall start facing 6:00, dance 16 counts but do not turn 1/4. Stay facing 3:00 then add step forward RF, do 1/4 turn left stepping on LF and open arms ends perfect with the song.

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Last Update: 17 May 2024


pupstergal July 20, 2020
This fun, smooth dance goes so well to Midland's song of the same name. Great job, Judy! Love it!

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