* for our stay home friends with space constraint at home.*
Starts with our Right Foot.
S1: Side Mambo x 2, Forward Mambo, Back Mambo
1&23&4RF side rock, LF recover, RF together, LF side rock, RF recover, LF together,
5&67&8RF rock forward, LF recover, RF together, LF rock back, RF recover, RF together.
S2: Cross Samba x 2, ½ Right turn Mambo, Forward, pivot ½ Right turn, together
1&2RF cross, LF step ball to the side, RF recover,
3&4LF cross, RF step ball to the side, LF recover,
5&6RF rock forward, LF recover, RF forward ½ R-turn(6:00),
7&8LF forward, pivot ½ R-turn(12:00), LF together.
S3: Samba Whisk x 2, forward Mambo, Coaster step
1&23&4RF Side, LF rock back, RF recover, LF side, RF rock back, LF recover,
5&67&8RF rock forward, LF recover, RF together, LF step back, RF together, LF forward.
S4: Forward, ½ Right-turn, back, touch with hip bump x 2
1234RF forward, LF back ½ R-turn(6:00), RF back, LF touch forward with hip bump,
5678LF forward, RF back ½ L-turn(12:00), LF back, RF touch forward with hip bump.
up to 16counts at Wall 3 / Wall 6
up to 20counts at Wall 8
Keep Active! Keep Dancing!
Starts with our Right Foot.
S1: Side Mambo x 2, Forward Mambo, Back Mambo
1&23&4RF side rock, LF recover, RF together, LF side rock, RF recover, LF together,
5&67&8RF rock forward, LF recover, RF together, LF rock back, RF recover, RF together.
S2: Cross Samba x 2, ½ Right turn Mambo, Forward, pivot ½ Right turn, together
1&2RF cross, LF step ball to the side, RF recover,
3&4LF cross, RF step ball to the side, LF recover,
5&6RF rock forward, LF recover, RF forward ½ R-turn(6:00),
7&8LF forward, pivot ½ R-turn(12:00), LF together.
S3: Samba Whisk x 2, forward Mambo, Coaster step
1&23&4RF Side, LF rock back, RF recover, LF side, RF rock back, LF recover,
5&67&8RF rock forward, LF recover, RF together, LF step back, RF together, LF forward.
S4: Forward, ½ Right-turn, back, touch with hip bump x 2
1234RF forward, LF back ½ R-turn(6:00), RF back, LF touch forward with hip bump,
5678LF forward, RF back ½ L-turn(12:00), LF back, RF touch forward with hip bump.
up to 16counts at Wall 3 / Wall 6
up to 20counts at Wall 8
Keep Active! Keep Dancing!