CopperKnob Stepsheets

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A Little Thing Called Love

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Natasha Ind (UK) - May 2020
Little Thing Called Love - Ronan Keating
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Reverse walk x2,Coaster step, walk forwardx2, Forward mambo,
1,2 Walk backwards stepping Right, Left
3&4 step back on right. step left next to right,step right forward
5,6 step forward left,right
7&8 rock forward on left, recover onto right,step left next to right

Side mambo x2, Jazz box 1/4 turn
9&10 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, step right next to left
11&12 Rock left to left side,recover onto right,step left next to right
15-16 Cross step right over left, step slightly back on left, step right forward making a 1/4 turn right, step left next to right.

Toe shuffle forward x2, pivot half, walk x2
17&18 Step Right forward, step left toe behind,step Right foward
19&20Step left foward,step Right toe behind left,step left forward
21,22 Step Right forward using ball of foot make a 1/2 turn left transferring weight onto Right
23,24 Step forward Right,Left

Mambo x 2, Heel together x2
25&26 Rock forward onto Right, Recover onto left, step Right next to Left
27&28 Rock forward onto Left, Recover onto Right, step Left next to Right
29,30 Touch Right heel forward, step Right next to Left
31,32 Touch Left Heel forward,step Left next to Right

TAG: At the end of wall 3 there is a 12 count tag that is really easy to hear:
Grapevine x2, Heel togther x2
1-4 Step Right to Right side, Left behind Right, Step Right to Right side,touch Left toe next to Right
5-8 Step Left to Left side, Right behind Left, Step Left to Left side, touch Right toe next to Left
9,10 Touch Right heel forward, step Right next to Left
11,12 Touch Left heel forward, step Left next to Right.

Ending You will be facing the front wall dance up to counts 7&8 forward mambo, then take a long step back on Right, dragging left foot infront of Right shin to take a bow!!!!


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