CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Heels In My Hand

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Lesley Miller (UK) - January 2020
#32 intro start on instrumental - No Tags Or Restarts

Section 1: Step lock step scuff x 2
1 2 3 4Step RF forward, lock LF behind R, step R, scuff LF
5 6 7 8Step LF forward, lock RF behind L, step L, scuff RF

Section 2: Jazz box with struts
1 2 3 4Cross RF toe over L, lower R heel, step LF back on the toe lower L heel
5 6 7 8Step RF to R side on toe, lower R heel, step Lf to R

Section 3: Foot twists x 3 ¼ turn scuff
1 2 3 4Twist heels to R, Twist toes to R, Twist heels to R, flick LF behind R knee
5 6 7 8Step LF to L, step RF behind L, step LF ¼ turn L, Scuff RF forward

Section 4: Slow pivot ½ turn jazz box
1 2 3 4Step RF forward hold, 1/2 turn L hold,
5 6 7 8Cross RF over L, step back LF, step RF to R, step LF to RF

Section 5: Open box Grapevine R
1 2 3 4Step RF to R corner, step LF to L corner, step back RF, step LF to RF
5 6 7 8Step RF to R, step LF behind R, Step RF to R, tap LF to RF

Section 6: Grapevine L 4x knee switches
1 2 3 4Step LF to L, step RF behind L, Step LF to L, tap RF to LF
5 6 7 8Lower R heel bending L knee inwards, Lower L heel bending R knee inwards, Lower R heel bending L knee inwards, Lower L heel bending R knee inwards

Ending: Half turn the last grapevine to the left to finish facing front


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