CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Captain and the Kid

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David Connell (SCO) & Evelyn Barr (SCO) - April 2020
The Captain and the Kid - Elton John
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S1: Right side rock cross over left, right toe strut left side rock cross over right toe strut
1234rock right to right side, recover onto left, cross right in front of left, right toe strut
5668rock left to left side, recover onto right, cross left in front of right, left toe strut

S2: Side rock right recover cross, hold, side rock left, recover, heel tap forward left, return to place
1234Side rock recover to right, cross left in front of right, hold
5678Rock left to left side, recover on to right, tap left heel forward, return to place, weight on left.

S3: Four heel taps forward R&L&R&L left shuffle back, right coaster step
1&2&3&4Tap right heel forward, return to place , tap left heel forward, return to place, repeat
5&6&7&8left right left shuffle back, right coaster step RLR

S4: Left Monterey, left Monterey ¼ turn right, right side together, heel bumps, left side together, heel bumps
1&2&3&4&Point left to left side, return to place and point right toe to right, return to place, making a ¼ turn right, point right to right side
5&6&7&8step right to right side, 2 small heel bumps, step left to left side, 2 smal heel bumps

S5: Rght heel tap forward, left heel tap forward, right heel tap forward, left heel tap forward and replace
1&2&3&4&tap right heel forward, return to place, tap left heel forward, return to place, tap right heel forward, return to place, tap left heel forward, return to place , weight on left

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