Intro: 16 counts
R Kick x2, Back Rock, Recover, Walk x2, shuffle
1-4Kick R forward, kick R side, back rock R, recover on L
5-8Walk R-L (option full turn), R shuffle,
L Kick x2, Back Rock, Recover, 1/4 Turn R, Cross, Clap & Hold
1-4Kick L forward, kick L side, back rock L, recover on R
5-8Step forward L, 1/4 turn R, cross L over R, clap & Hold (3:00)
(TAG&RESTART: wall 7 after 16c facing 3:00, 4cout hold posing with hat and dance from begin)
K. Step & Clap
1-4Step R forward right, touch L next to R & clap, step back L. touch R next L & clap
5-8Step R back right, touch L next to R & clap, step forward L, touch R next & clap
Vine R, Touch, Rolling vine L, Touch
1-4Step R to side, cross L behind R, step R to side, touch L next to R
5-8Make 1/4 turn left and step L forward, step R forward and 1/2 turn left,Make 1/4 turn left and step L to side, touch R next to L (Easy Option:Vine L)
TAG&RESTART: wall 7 after 16c facing 3:00, 4cout hold posing with hat and dance from begin
R Kick x2, Back Rock, Recover, Walk x2, shuffle
1-4Kick R forward, kick R side, back rock R, recover on L
5-8Walk R-L (option full turn), R shuffle,
L Kick x2, Back Rock, Recover, 1/4 Turn R, Cross, Clap & Hold
1-4Kick L forward, kick L side, back rock L, recover on R
5-8Step forward L, 1/4 turn R, cross L over R, clap & Hold (3:00)
(TAG&RESTART: wall 7 after 16c facing 3:00, 4cout hold posing with hat and dance from begin)
K. Step & Clap
1-4Step R forward right, touch L next to R & clap, step back L. touch R next L & clap
5-8Step R back right, touch L next to R & clap, step forward L, touch R next & clap
Vine R, Touch, Rolling vine L, Touch
1-4Step R to side, cross L behind R, step R to side, touch L next to R
5-8Make 1/4 turn left and step L forward, step R forward and 1/2 turn left,Make 1/4 turn left and step L to side, touch R next to L (Easy Option:Vine L)
TAG&RESTART: wall 7 after 16c facing 3:00, 4cout hold posing with hat and dance from begin