CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Beautiful life

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Evi Pravita (INA) - April 2020
Beautiful - Crush (큮럮ė‰Ž)
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Intro : 8 count, Start with weight on L foot
There 2 Restart & tag on wall 3 & 5
- Restart On wall 3 in section 1 after count 7 - &
Tag on count 8 drag L foot beside R. Facing 12 : 00
- Restart On wall 4 in section 3 after 23 count & Tag on count 8 drag L foot beside R

Section 1: Step sweep, weave, side, recover, cross behind, ¼ turn left step L fwd, ¼ turn left night club L, R
1 2 &Step R fwd as you sweep L fwd, L cross over R, step R side 12:00
3 & 4Cross L behind R, step R to side, recover on L
& 5Cross R behind L, turn ¼ L step L fwd 9 : 00
6 & 7turn ¼ left step R a big step to right side, Step L behind, cross R over L 6 : 00
& 8 &Step L a big step to Left side, step R behind, cross L over Right

Section 2: Turn ¼ Left step back sweep, Vine Right, Scissor, ½ R sweep, cross, hip sway R, L
1turn ¼ left step R back as you sweep L from front to back 3:00
2 & 3cross L behind R, step R to side, cross L over R
& 4 &Step R to right side, step L together, cross R over Left
5 6turn ¼ R stepping back on L, continuing to turn ¼ R 9: 00
& 7 8Cross L over R, sway R to R side, sway L to L side 9 : 00

Section 3: Diamond 2X, Night Club basic R L,
1 2 &step R to R side 9 : 00, 1/8 turn L step L back, step R back on diagonal 7: 30
3 4 &1/8 turn L, 6 : 00 - step L to left, 1/8 turn step R fwd, step fwd on L. 5 : 30
5 6 &1/8 turn, step R to R side 3 : 00, step L behind R, cross R over L
7 8 &Step L to L side, step R behind L, cross L over R

Section 4: Spiral ¾ L, Prissy Walks L R, ¼ R scissor step, Slide, Drag, R full turn
1Spiral ¾ to Left weight on R
2 3Walk L fwd and slightly in front of R, walk R fwd and slightly in front of L
4 & 5turn ¼ R and step L to L side, step R together, cross L over R
6 7Slide R down to right, Drag
8 &Step R fwd, make a full turn to R

Enjoy the dance, stay safe, stay healthy, stay at home everyday keeps corona away...


Nong May 2, 2020
Very nice. I like it.

Pravitaevi May 5, 2020
Thank you, I hope you enjoyed and if dont mind please upload you video demo

Yuli27 August 4, 2020
Love it!! 💖💖💖

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