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I Know Him So Well

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Lucille Stead (SA) - April 2020
I Know Him So Well – ABBA
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#32 count intro (Start dancing on Lyrics)

S1: Step R, L behind, Step R, Cross, Recover, &,¼ L, Lock step, Rock recover turning 3/8R
1, 2&Big Step R to R (1) Step L behind R (2) Step R to R (&)
3, 4&Cross L over R (3) Recover R (2) 1/4 turn L stepping forward L (&) (9:00)
5&6Step forward R (5) Lock L behind R (&) Step forward on R (6)
7-8Rock forward L (7) Recover R making a pivot 3/8 turn R (8) (1.30)

S2: Prissy Steps, Rock recover, &, Step R, step L, Cross, ¼ turn L, Step forward L, !/4 pivot L (6.00)
1-3Prissy steps into the diagonal (1.30) L over R (1), R over L (2), L over R (1.30)
4&Recover R (4) Step L next to R straightening to 12.00 (&)
5, 6 &Big step R to R (5) Step L slightly behind R (6) Cross R over L (&)
7¼ turn L stepping forward on L (9.00)
8¼ pivot L on L drawing R foot next to L (6.00)

S3: Side Recover Cross, Side Recover Forward, Forward Recover, Back , Drag, Step, Sway sway
1&2&Step R to R (1) Recover L to L side (&) Cross R over L (2) Step L to L (&)
3Recover R to R
&4&Step forward L (&) Step forward R (4) Recover L (&)
5Step back on R making a 1/8 L turn into the diagonal (4.30) dragging L to R foot
6Step L next to R
7-8Step R to R swaying to R (7) Sway L (8) (4.30)

S4: Forward, swivel, swivel, lock step back, Rock Recover, Ronde Sweep
1Step forward R into diagonal (4.30)
2-3Swivel ½ turn L (10.30) Swivel ½ turn R weight on R (4.30)
4&5Step back on L (4) Lock R in front of L (&) Step back on L
6Step forward R straightening 1/8 R to 6.00
7-8Ronde sweep L crossing over R (6.00)

Tag: At the end of wall 3 (facing 6.00)
1-2Point R to R (1) Cross R over L stepping on R (2)
3-4Point L to L (3) Cross L over R, stepping on L (4)
5-6Rock forward R (5) Recover L (6)
7-8½ turn R. Step forward R (7) Step forward L (8)

Ending: Towards the end of wall 6, the music slows. Keep dancing to match the pace. Start wall 7 (facing 12.00) and dance up to S2 1-4& (including the prissy steps and the rock recover and step L next to R). On the final word “well” place R in front of L and make a full unwind turn to face 12.00.


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