CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Pat Stott (UK) - February 2020
I'll Be There - Martina McBride : (Album: Timeless)
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Intro: 32 counts commence on “chains” (No Tags Or Restarts)

Out, in, heel, hook, heel, close, 2 stomps
1-4Touch right to right, touch right next to left, right heel forward, right heel hook in front of left
5-6Right heel forward, close right to left
7-8.Stomp left foot x 2 (without weight)

Out, in, heel, hook, heel, close, 2 stomps
1-4.Touch left to left, touch left next to right, left heel forward, hook left in front of right
5-6.Left heel forward, close left next to right
7-8.Stomp right foot x 2 (without weight)

Lock step forward, scuff, lock step forward, scuff
1-4.step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right, scuff left forward
5-8.Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left, scuff right forward

Step, 1/2 turn, step, hold, full turn right (or shuffle forward), hold
1-4Step forward on right, pivot 1/2 turn left, step forward on right, hold
5-8.1/2 turn right stepping back on left, 1/2 turn right stepping forward on right, forward on left, hold
(Alternative steps 5-8 shuffle forward - left, right, left, hold)

Toe, heel, stomp, hold, toe, heel, stomp, hold
1-4Tap right toe next to left with knee turned in, tap right heel with knee turned out, stomp forward on right, hold
5-8Tap left toe next to right with knee turned in, tap left heel with knee turned out, stomp forward on left, hold

Coaster step, hold, triple 3/4 turn left, hold
1-4Back on right, close left to right, forward on right, hold
5-8triple turn on the spot 3/4 left (left, right, left), hold

Extended vine right, rock, recover, cross, hold
1-4Right to right, cross left behind right, right to right, cross left over right
5-8.Rock right to right, recover on left, cross right over left, hold

Extended vine left, rock, recover, close, hold
1-4Left to left, cross right behind left, left to left, cross right over left
5-8.Rock left to left, recover on right, close left next to right, hold

Ending: wall 5
You will be facing 9 o’clock as you dance the extended vine left - replace 5-8 as follows:
5-8Rock left to left, turn 1/4 right to face 12 o’clock transferring weight to right, forward on left and hold “Taaa Daaa”!


Pony Chen March 8, 2020
nice dance and nice it...

Pony Chen March 8, 2020

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